Yandere MarcSteven part 2

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"Jake, you're lucky I didn't have you killed and now you're touching what's mine," Marc growled looking at them like he was a mad man.

"Marc, amigo look at yourself. The Marc I knew would never treat Steven like this." Jake growled reaching behind so he could still feel Steven behind him and know he was safe.
Marc chuckled as Steven grabbed onto Jake's hand out of fear.

"Marc it's okay, we can sort all of this out. You don't need to hurt us." Steven's soft voice spoke up as Marc looked up at him.

"You're mine, Steven." Marc growled as he heard a voice and looked up to see people gathering behind Marc.

"The sooner you realise that the less I have to hurt you puppy." Marc whispered looking at Steven.

"Okay, I can go with you and be yours. Please just let Jake live." Steven whispered as Marc chuckled.

"He might be useful to me. Jake can take care of the body most days when I'm here taking care of my Steven." Marc said as Jake turned to Steven.

"You can't do this mi amor, he'll hurt you." Jake whispered as Steven looked at him sadly.

"We'll figure something out Jake, but for now we have to do this." Steven whispered as Jake nodded slowly.

"Okay, we'll do it." Jake whispered turning to Marc.

"Good then." Marc said snapping his fingers and Jake disappeared.
Steven looked up to Marc in fear.

"Marc." Steven whispered making Marc smile, he stalked forward, looking at Steven.

"What you did back there wasn't very nice now was it? I think some punishment is in order." Marc said as Steven gulped and nodded.



Steven lay on the ground trying to breathe.
This wasn't his Marc, it couldn't have been. His Marc would never have hurt Steven this badly.

"Jake." Steven whispered out praying somehow Jake would head him.

"Shh Steven." Marc whispered kneeling to stroke the side of Steven's face.

"I'm only doing this because of how much I care about you." Marc said as Steven began to cry.

"Jake!" Steven screamed with the last of his voice and energy.

"Steven!" Jake shouted finally being able to find him.
He ran forward and tackled Marc to the ground.

"Necesitas un tiempo de espera." Jake whispered pinning Marc to the ground.
Suddenly Marc disappeared and Jake turned around to rush to Steven.

"What did you do?" Steven whispered as Jake reached down to pick up Steven.

"I sent him to a place where he can do some thinking. It's okay, we're safe." Jake whispered smiling sadly at Steven.


"Marc, I know it's hard to hear because of the sedatives but you gave us no choice." Marc heard a voice as he opened his eyes to see Doctor Harrow in front of him.

"What?" He whispered as Harrow smiled.

"It's your first day of treatment Marc. I have high hopes for you."

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