Marc/Steven - Outing

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You got dressed into the dress and shoes that Steven had picked out for you.
You walked out and saw him smile, you weren't happy about the dress but you needed to power through.
They were finally letting you go out shopping with them and you were so excited, you didn't want anything to mess it up.

"Look at you, sweetheart. You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?" He asked, kissing your forehead as you nodded.
You grabbed your bag and got ready to head out with Steven.
You were standing beside him in the elevator, your hand intertwined with his.

"Now, love. Remember, you have to stay with us at all times. If you want something just ask me, don't go wandering." He said as you rolled your eyes a little but nodded.
You exited the building and stayed close to Steven.
You went to a Cafe first and you couldn't help but be excited.
But, you noticed a few people would look at you weirdly.
After all you were in what looked like a dolls dress with Steven holding your hand.
You sat down and waited for your coffee.

"I need to go to the toilet." You muttered as Steven stood up and reached his hand out to you.

"I can go by myself." You muttered in annoyance as he glared at you.

"Either we go together or you don't go at all. You can't go alone." He said as you huffed and stood up to take his hand.
You hated the looks you got from everyone.
When you got back you sat down and the waitress gave you your drinks.
When you'd finished you made your way to the supermarket.

"Can we get more frozen pizza?" You asked making Steven chuckle.

"Of course, love."

By the time you'd gotten to the store, Marc was now in control.
Which you didn't like much, he was far too possessive of you in public.
You were in an aisle with Marc when you wandered off a little.
You went to go grab some chocolate but Marc grabbed your wrist.

"Darling, I already have chocolate. We don't need anymore." He said as you glared at him.
You glanced around to see people giving you odd looks.

"People are looking." You muttered as Marc rose one eyebrow.

"Then put the chocolate down, love. Or are you going to make me drag you out of here?" He warned as you pouted and put the chocolate back.

"Sorry." You muttered as he smiled.

"That's better, baby." He whispered before you rolled your eyes and kept going.
You finally finished and got back to the apartment.

"I'm sorry." You muttered as Marc looked at you.

"I was getting embarrassed that's all, I haven't been out for a while." You muttered, putting the last of the things away.
Marc came out behind you and hugged you.

"It's okay, baby. I expected you to be a bit out of practice with the outside world." He whispered as you turned around and nuzzled into him.

"No punishment?" You asked looking up at him as he chuckled and kissed you forehead.

"No punishment, love."

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