Moon Knight x Reader

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You were fast asleep in Marc's bed as he walked in and smiled seeing your peaceful face.
You'd come so far, two months ago he would come home to the house trashed and you screaming at him. But he'd trained you well now, made you learn that this was the place for you. That his love was all you'd ever need.
Once you knew that he had introduced you to Jake and Steven and he told you they loved you just as much and you needed to listen to them as well.
He sat beside you and ran his hand through your hair smiling softly. You shifted a little and opened your eyes slowly and whined.

"Shh baby it's just me." He whispered as you rubbed your eyes and looked up at him. 

"Mmm." You muttered making him chuckle.

"You've gotta get up baby girl, you need some dinner." He whispered brushing the hair out of your face as you sat up and stretched.

"Do you want me to make dinner?" You asked as he smiled and kissed your forehead.

"No sweetheart, Steven said he wants to make dinner for you." He said as you smiled and leant forward to hug him.

"Thank you." You muttered as his hand went up your back and you felt his body change a little.

"Would you like me to make pasta love?" Steven asked as you leant away and nodded.

"Yes please." You replied making him smile and kiss your forehead.
He helped you out of bed and you followed him out to the kitchen where you sat at the dining table while he began to cook.

"What did you do when we were gone?" Steven asked with his back to you.

"Mainky took a nap and did some drawing. Steven?" You muttered looking down at the table.

"Yeah love?" He asked as you fiddled with your hands.

"Why did you guys take me? A-And why do you keep me here?" You whispered as Steven tensed, he needed to stay calm and not let Jake or Marc out.

"Love you know you shouldn't ask those questions." He said walking over to you and looking down at your soft face. Steven could already feel Jake becoming angry.

"I don't want to leave or anything, I was just wondering why me. Am I special or something?" You asked in a small voice making him smile, he felt Jake relax and with that he did too. He knew you weren't asking it out of fear or because you didn't love them he knew you were just curious.
He knelt down so he was face to face with you and smiled.

"Yes love, you're very special. We all love you so much and we knew a special girl like you needed a good life and to be protected. That's why we've got you here sweetie." Steven said as you nodded, he smiled and stood up kissing your forehead.
He went back into the kitchen to continue dinner.
You both talked for a while until dinner was ready.
Steven sat across from you and gave you the pasta dish.

"Tomorrw is Sunday and Marc said it would be okay for you to go out. Do you want to go to the market?" Steven said as your eyes brightened.

"Yes please!" You shouted making him chuckle.

"Perfect, that's what we'll do love." He said as you smiled excitedly.
Steven's eyes closed for a brief moment and he opened it as you looked up to see Jake.

"Hi Jake." You said continuing to eat your dinner.
You used to be terrified of him, but now you loved him just like you loved Marc and Steven.

"Hello Mi amor." He purred as he watched you eat.

"Can we watch a movie tonight?" You asked as you finished off your dinner and collected your dish and his bringing it up to the sink.

"Of course we can bebè." He muttered before coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I missed you mi amor." He whispered nuzzling into your neck making you chuckle softly.

"I missed you too." You replied turning around and hugging him tightly.

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