Yandere - Missing

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You sat on the floor in your room, one arm wrapped around your knees.
The other arm was in the next room.
You knew better than to cry, crying meant weakness and you weren't weak.
You wanted to cry, you wanted to cry and curl up in bed, but that would show weakness.
The door opened and you instantly stood up, ready for a mission, then you realised.

"Love, it's okay. You don't have to do that with us remember?" He said as you sighed and nodded, relaxing a little.

"Sorry." You whispered as he smiled and came closer.

"I know it's uncomfortable without your arm love, but that was one of the rules. That if you misbehave we have to take it away." He said as you looked away from him.

"What would you do if I took Marc and Jake away from you?" You muttered as he looked at you in confusion.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked as you glared at him.

"You need them to survive, just like I need a fucking arm!" You screamed at him making him flinch.

"N-Now, love. You don't need to result to violence. Let's just talk about this." He said as you rushed passed him, pushing him out of the way.
You a rely had a second before strong arms wrapped around you.
You couldn't really fight with one arm.

"We told you the rules and the punishments, Y/N. Don't act like we are the bad guys here." Marc said as you struggled in his grip.

"Enough!" He shouted making you gasp in fear, you froze, your brain automatically ready to obey.
It was pathetic that it only took one word.

"I'm sorry, sir." You whispered as Marc closed his eyes and sighed, loosening his grip.

"Darling, it's okay. I'm not one of them, it's Marc, remember?" He said gently turning you around, he could see the fear in your eyes.

"I'm sorry I scared you. I just don't want you to do anything you regret." He whispered, reaching forward to hold your face.

"Please don't punish me." You whispered, slowly looking up at him.

"It's okay, love. You took your punishment, you were good for us. Come on, your punishment is over." He said, pulling you along. He got you to sit on the couch before he grabbed the bionic arm he'd taken from you.

"Sit still, okay?" He said as he lines the arm up to the matching connection on your shoulder.
He did was was necessary and you wiggled your fingers a little.

"You're punishments aren't that bad." You whispered as he looked up at you.

"What do you mean, love?" He asked, resting his hand on your knee.

"Taking my arm away isn't that bad, not as bad as the others. They would...hurt me, a lot. At least you don't hurt me." You whispered not looking at him, he stood up and sat beside you on the couch.

"I don't want to hurt you, baby. I'm just trying my best to help you understand the rules and that you can't hurt us or try and escape. It's not because you're dangerous or I want to punish you, it's so I know I can keep you safe. I'm terrified every second that they'll find you." Marc said as you felt tears in your eyes.
You'd never seem Marc show much vulnerability.

"You like having me here?" You whispered as he smiled and kissed the side of your head.

"Of course we do, angel. You're the best thing to happen to us, you will never ever be a burden on us." He said making you smile softly.

"Can you...can you promise that you'll protect me?" You whispered resting your head on his chest.
All of them felt like their hearts would melt, it had taken a while for you to trust them, but this was definitely a good start.

"I promise from the bottom of my heart that we will do everything in our power to protect you." He whispered back, wrapping his arms around you.

"They'll never have you again."

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