5- A not-so-normal afternoon

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Classes were pretty boring that day. So I was hopping for recess to come so I could just get some fresh air.

When -finally- the dang bell rang, we ran outside like an stampede.

Lena, Camilo and I sat in the grass while we ate our snack. Lena chomped some carrot sticks, Camilo ate a huge Nocilla sandwich as if he hadn't eaten five pieces of toast for breakfast and I nibbled an apple, not really hungry.

"We should revise for the test" Said Lena, opening a geography book.

"Ugh, that's giving me a headache" Camilo faked a painful expression.

"C'mon, Milo, a little study won't kill ya..." I said, opening my book.

But after two minutes, Camilo winced again, and I wasn't really sure it was fake.

"Ouch... My head... It hurts... I promise I'm not joking!"

If Camilo Madrigal wasn't joking, it was serious.

"Here" Lena handed him an ibuprophen "Take this and lay down for a while"

He did as he was told, but not before asking why did she carry around pills.

"Period" She replied smiling.

"Oh, ok" Camilo was slowly coming back to himself. He sat and color came back to his cheeks.

"Phew" I got up and tidied my things, putting everything back into my lunchbook barely touched.

"I'm not really feeling well..." Camilo looked sick again.

"Maybe it's just something you've eaten..." I suggested. It was possible, thinking that he used to eat soil until he was ten.

"M-my head..." He mumbled, and he fell unconcious.

He hit the grass with a great CRASH.

"CAMILO!!" Lena ran to him and held his head, not even blushing now.

Blood starded coming down his nose.

"WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!?! CAMILO WAKE UP!!" Lena shaked him violently. 

"I-I'll go get some help..." I was sweating, but I prayed that Lena didn't notice. I don't think she did because she was sobbing and yelling.

I ran to the nurse, to tell her what just happened. Perhaps her theory was better than mine. I sure hoped so...

I opened the door with a red cross on it, and what I saw nearly made me faint myself.

A skinny boy struggled to carry an unconcious girl while the nurse fussed over. The girl was strong and much taller than the boy. Her nose was bleeding, like Camilo's. But that wasn't the worst.

Because the girl was my sister.

"LUISA!!" I yelled.

"Silence in the infirmary!" The nurse snapped.

"Camilo fainted, miss" I whispered "He's outside"

"Well, bring him!"

Thankfully, I didn't have to carry him, because a sweaty Lena appeared in the doorstep carrying him. Tears ran down her face.

I suspected she liked him, but I didn't know she cared so much for him. Just like the boy that was stroking Luisa's hair.

I half-wished someone would do that to me if I was unconcious.

"No" I told myself "Not now"

"Calm down, everyone" Said the nurse "It's probably just stress"

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