8- Hicking inside hell's body

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Once we got down the whole, everything turned to the world that the shadow monster had shown me. I turned at my friends. They were probably scared...

"Let's beat some monster ass!" Lena cried

"Woooooh!" Came the reply from everyone.

I smiled. They were pretty brave. Or pretty stupid. I hoped the bravery would last.

"Ok, so, where are we going?" Andrés asked

"We need to find some dark bubbles" I replied "They're trapped there"

I omited the part of "living their worst nightmares"

"Ok. Let's go!" Mariano started walking.

I admired their optimisms.

So there we went, hicking in what seemed to be the body of some kind of enoumous monster. Or hell. Who knew?

We learned the hard way that we shouldn't touch the vine thingies when Mariano tripped. The vine held his ankle and started pulling.

With her quick reflexes, Lena cut the vine with her knife.

"Ok. No one steps in the vines." Samuel said, dodging the remainings of the vine, which was now dripping a dark liquid.

We kept going for what seemed like ages. It was really hot.

"Seems like we're walking in circles" Gabriel said. He hadn't really said anything since we entered the new world, but he still held my hand and smiled whenever I stared at him. 

"HERE IT IS!!!!!" I suddenly yelled, making everyone jump.

I gestured at the bubbles in front of us. We all walked closer to the first one and stared inside.

My breath caught. My sister Isabela was there, standing, her eyes open and white.

"Isa!" I touched the bubble.

Andrés was quicklier than me. He ran into the bubble and entered.

Andrés's POV

Andrés got right next to Isabela.

"ISA!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!" He passed his hand in front of her eyes. She didn't seem to notice.

Andrés got hold of her hand and felt like flying away.

The next minute, he was in another place.

A place full of flowers, pink and glitter. 

A place full of admirers and fans with posters and cameras.

A place where a girl stood in the middle of everything, her eyes wide with fear.

"Isa!" He got closer, but she didn't seem to notice he was there "Isa, can you hear me?"

Isabela turned to every direction blindly.

"Andrés? Is it you? I... I can't see you..."

"I'm here" He said "It's just a dream"

"A dream?" She sounded really scared "Andrés, they think I'm a toy! They want to do things with me... Things I don't want to... I'm scared. I'm so scared."

"Shhh. It's ok. Just... Try to... Wake up?"

"HOW?!?!?!" She was half-sobbing now. It broke Andrés's heart.

Suddenly, one of the admirers got his hand really close to her hand, her chest...

Andrés wanted to kill him right on the spot, but he was like a ghost.

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