12- Sacrifice

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I saw the shadow just above us. I extended my hand to the sky.

"You're gonna pay you little piece of smoke..."

I concentrated.

"LEAVE!" I told everyone "GO! RUN!"

"We're not gonna leave you!" Luisa screamed


That was a fat lie, but I just wanted them safe. I saw them leave slowly. Just when I though they were gone, Gabriel came back running and kissed me.

"Love you, Mariposa" He whispered and leaved.

I was left there all alone.

"You'll never beat me. You'll die and so will they" The voice spoke

But I wasn't afraid anymore

"I might die, but you're coming down with me!"

I concentrated harder. I put every feeling to the task. My anger, my sadness, my grief, love... 

My nose started bleeding. I didn't mind.

I thought of everyone it'd hurt. My mother. My tía. My tío. My sisters. Dolores. Camilo. Lena. My friends...

It was going to pay, no matter what it took.

A ray of light bursted from my hands. The shadow dissapeared where the pure golden light touched it.

"You'll never defeat me! You're still a little girl!" It screamed

"I may be a little girl, but I'm much, much braver and stronger than you ever will. I have flaws. I cry and I fear. I love and I hate. And that makes me stronger."

The light shone brighter.

"You know why do I do this? Because they count on me. Just as I can count on them whenever I need them. Friends. Family. I love them. And love is a feeling you'll never enjoy."

The shadow turned smaller and smaller as the light was shinier.

"And I feel sorry for you. You'll never know hugs. Or kisses. You'll never play jokes with your siblings or cousins. You'll never cuddle with your tíos and tías. You'll never feel love from your parents. Or romantic love"

I remembered the kiss with Gabriel.

"I'm sorry you were born for evil. Guess your destiny's to perish here. Like mine."

The light shone brighter, and the shadow was gone. I was covered in blood. I fell to the ground.

I was hella tired. I could barely stand. But I knew what I had to do.

I went to the portal. I could see my friends' faces from above. They were gesturing at me to go up.

Oh. I'd forgotten to tell them that part of the plan. Silly me...

I gathered all the strength I had left.

The portal started closing.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING????? COME HERE!!!!" Mami screamed

"Sorry mami" I thought.

I kept closing the portal, ingnoring the cries from my friends.

My feet stopped touching the ground. My nose bleed so much.

The portal was now the size of a plate.

I saw Gabriel's face one last time. He said something. My name. Just my name.

I stopped seeing the light.

I fell.

Gabriel's POV

He couldn't believe it.

The nerve that girl had.

Señora Julieta kept screaming her daughter's name until her siblings pulled her appart of where the portal had been.

Everyone was too shocked to speak.

Luisa and Isabela were crying. They all seemed really sad.

Gabriel was stunned. He fell to his knees.

"Mirabel... She..."

"She's gone"

Lena's POV

Lena tried to feed Camilo a bowl of porridge when she heard footsteps.

"Guys! You're here!" She smiled.

She leaved the bedside and ran to hug them. That was when she realized that they were crying.

"Why the long faces? Both of us are ok, don't worry. And, you killed the shadow didn't you?"

"Yeah..." Samuel looked down and stared at the bed where Luisa had just woken up.

"Then why are you so sad?" She gave Camilo a spoonfull of the lumpy oatmeal.

"Lena... Mirabel died." Gabriel looked down.

"WHAT??!?!?!" Her scream was so loud that it echoed through the walls

"She sacrificed herself..."


They'd made it. 

They'd saved the world.

But at what cost?

For her best friend was now gone.

Camilo started crying and she joined him. Everyone started mourning the smart, young girl who had her whole life ahead but had chosen to end it so others could enjoy theirs.

Something incredibly stupid, brave and noble...

Just Mirabel's signature.

Lena sobbed.

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