6- Meanwhile...

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Dolores's POV

A girl woke up somewhere she didn't reconize. Everything was black and red, spores floated in the air. She gasped, but then coughed because the air smelled like her brother's socks.

She got up in her feet and started walking when she bumped into something. Like an invisible wall. She ran in every direction without realizing thatshe was trapped.

"LET ME OUT!!" She shrieked, but it was no use.

She sat in the ground, thinking of ways to escape when she heard something. A voice. A voice she reconized.

"You know what, Dolores? Jeena told me that Marta whispered to Laura that-"

Oh no. That was Rosa la Chismosa. Dolores hated her with all her might. She kept telling her secrets because she was the "quiet kid" in class. And then she was oblied to keep those secrets forever. Oh, she would love to get the weight out of her shoulders just for a few minutes...

Normally, she just ran away from Rosa. But now she was trapped in a space as small as a mat with Rosa la Chismosa for evermore, as far as she was concerned.


Dolores put her hands in her ears to block the noise.

"Can you please just TURN IT DOWN?!?!?!" Dolores pleaded, but the torture went on, louder each time. And she fucking hated noise.

Isabela's POV

Isabela woke up in a wonderful place. Well, a wonderful place in the middle of an awful place.

After a few minutes circling, she realized she had no escape.

She was in a beautiful swing. The floor was covered in flowers, like her hair and dress.

"Weird" She thought "I could have sworn I was wearing jeans. In fact, I'm not sure I even have this kind of skirt"

But, there she was. Suddenly, she started hearing clapping. Clapping everywhere.

She tried to get of the swing, but she couldn't. Clapping grew louder.

"What does it feel like, being the pretiest?"

Who said that? She wasn't sure. 

"You're beautiful!"

"Um... Thanks?" She said

"I want you! Marry me!"

"No!" she said "You can't just choose like that, duh"

"Yes! Be mine!"

"You're so pretty!"

"So wonderful"

"So perfect"

"Be my girlfriend!"

"Marry me!"

"I love you!"

"Stop!" She yelled "I'm not a toy. I'm a girl. And I HATE THIS!!!!"

But the praises kept going on, driving her crazy, until she started believing that she was nothing but a barbie.

Luisa's POV

Luisa woke up in a familiar place. It looked like the Sports Hall. She was usually there training.

Her favourite sport was basketball. With her strong and tall complexion, she was perfect for it.

A match was happening. Everyone stared at her, like expecting her to do something incredible. She realized she had a basketball in her hands. The basket was there, just in front of her. She just had to throw the ball.

She got ready to throw the ball but, when she was about to make a perfect shot, the basket grew higher.

No... It wasn't the basket getting highter... She was getting smaller.

Down and down she went. The crowd started booing.


"You can't shot"

"You'll miss!"

"Forget it!"

Tears stained her eyes. They were right. She would never make it. She should just step aside. 

She grew smaller and smaller.

Camilo's POV

Camilo woke up in the school. He was still in recess. Although everyone was way too dark.

A figure stood beside him. A girl he knew well.

"Get out of here!"

Her voice was meaner than he remembered. The purple and yellow from her clothes turned black, like her glasses.

Also, a guy was beside her. A tall, strong guy.

"Hi, Camilín" He said.

Ugh. He hated people calling him that. And most of all,  he hated that guy. He was Manuel. He had an unusual hobby of kicking his stomach as if it was a football.

And... there he went. Camilo doubled in pain when his shoe hit his belly. He tried hard not to cry or groan in pain. But worse than the pain was Lena. She laughed maliciously.

"Oh, you're so funny Manuel" She hugged him and then kissed him full on the lips.

Camilo's heart broke into a million pieces that seemed to prick every part of him. Or perhaps it was Manuel kicking him again.

"C'mon, Camilín. Fight like a man!"

He didn't know how to fight. He was also pretty sure that not all men fighted. His father had never even raised his voice. And none of his tíos seemed fighters, either.

But he knew that he had to do what Manuel said. He didn't want problems.

He got up, thrembling. He couldn't put up a fight. A few minutes later, he was laying in the floor, blood coming up of his mouth and nose, his belly bruised, his legs full of open wounds.

He couldn't believe that that was his end. Ditched by the girl he loved most because he wasn't brave enough to tell her. Beated to death by his bully because he wasn't brave enough to stand against him.

He'd always be the little bullied scaredy kid.

Another hard blow...

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