11- To kill a shadow

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She made it. I couldn't believe it.

"Mami?" I asked "Do you hear me?"

"What happened?" She seemed really confused. 

Pepa was holding her head and groaning, while Bruno was still laying in the ground.

"I think I'm dead" He mumbled.

"You were possesed by the creepy shadow bitch tha-" Mariano started, then realized that the mother of his girlfriend was there. "Shit. Fuck! I mean..."

"You slapped Mira" Gabriel said.

"I did?" Mami looked horrified and terribly sorry "Ay, lo siento cariño! I wasn't myself... Lo siento..."

"It's ok" I drew a smile across my face "don't worry"

That didn't keep her from fussing over me. I blushed.

"So... what the heck are we doing here?" Tía Pepa asked "And where the fuck is Camilo?!?!"

"Pepita, mind your language" Julieta snapped "There are kids in here"

Mariano chuckled when he heard the woman swear.

"Camilo's at the hospital" Andrés explained while he carried a part of Isabela's weight so she could walk "Lena took him there. He was hurt..."

"MI NIÑO IS HURT AND NO ONE TOLD ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"You were quite busy trying to kill us" Samuel muttered under his breath

"AND WHO THE FUCK IS LENA?????!??!!?!?!!!?"

Thunder rumbled.

"Lena's my best friend" I interrupted, smiling and trying to avoid a murder "She's actually the one that stopped the shadow from possesing you."

"Oh." Pepa looked up "I suppose I apologize. Camilo has a good taste, you know. He gets it from me"

We all looked down. I couldn't help but grin. My best friend and my cousin. Weird, but cute.

The ground started shaking.

"What is happening?" Bruno asked. He looked pale and quite ready to puke.

"The shadow monster. It's back." I said.

"What does it want from us???" Mami asked

"It wants to revive its master. Vecna, I suppose. At first it only needed my help, but I suppose he needs us all now. That's why it hasn't killed us yet."

"Vecna?" The triplets turned a weird shade of light blue.

"Not again..."

"The story's real, isn't it?" I asked "About the song and Vecna killing people..."

"Yes..." Mami stared at the ground, defeated.

"Well, we'll kill it again!" Isabela tried to sound brave, but her voice broke a bit 

"I'm afraid no song can kill the shadow" I sighted "It's like smoke. Can you kill smoke?"

I was thinking. There was no conventional way of killing it. Although... No, it couldn't be...

There had to be another way...

"I know what to do" I said "but I'm afraid you're not gonna like it"

Mami's eyes shone. "Ay, mija, I barely reconize you. You've grown so much..."

"You're just like her" Bruno smiled.

"Do what you have to do" Gabriel squeezed my hand "and remember that we're here if you need help, ok?"

I nodded. That was all I needed to hear.

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