10- Up to you

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I stood with Gabriel in my right side and Andrés on my left. We were yelling at Bruno, Pepa and Julieta. They'd found us. We were trying to keep them away from my sisters and cousin.

As I dodged a nasty kick from my tía, I couldn't help but to think of Camilo. I wasn't really sure Lena could get him to safety all by herself, and manage to stick to the plan. I was kinda ashamed of letting her alone.

But, I didn't have other options anyway.

"Join us" The three of them said at the same time, with that eerie voice that made me want to puke.

"Just shut up!" Mariano threw a tiny rock at Bruno, which didn't touch him and flew past him.

Suddenly, the triplets fell to the ground, eyes closed.

We all ran to them, confused.

"Woah... I didn't knew I was so powerful" Mariano looked between sheepish and proud.

"I'm not sure it was you..." I stared at mami, who opened her eyes and stared at me, confused. "It's Lena. She made it!"

Lena's POV

She stood alone in the cold floor for what seemed like years. The nurse had told her that they were still operating him, but the chances of survival were quite low. He'd lost so much blood and was barely breathing.

Lena's eyes were red and cold from crying. Her really long hair fell dead upon her shoulders. She was still wimpering, praying to the gods.

"Please... Let him be ok... Please... Oh, por favor..."

The same nurse came a few minutes later. She told her that they'd moved him to the ICU.

Lena ran to the room where he layed.

The sight broke her heart. Again. He was atached to a hundred of beeping machines, an IV full of bags with liquids, bandaged from head to toe, pale as paper...

"Ay, Camilo!" She ran to his side. None of the doctors said a thing. They leaved.

She stroked his long, curly hair which seemed deflated. She held his cold hands and sobbed.

"Please... Don't leave me... I love you with every inch of my heart..."

She mourned alone in the cold, lonely room.

She felt her hand gripping tighter.

"Camilo?" She asked between tears

"I promised I'd try, didn't I?"

His voice was as weak as ever, but she didn't mind. She wouldn't have minded if he was blind. He was there, alive.

She hugged him gently, then kissed him.

"How do you feel?" She asked

"As if someone had tried to take my guts away while I was awake" He said.

She chuckled between her tears "So... Better?"

"A bit..."

She stroked his bandaged tummy gently.

"Sana sana, colita de rana. Si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana." She sang.

"You have a pretty singing voice..." He mumbled.

"Shh. Try and rest"

"I can't" He looked scared "The nightmares..."

"I'll be here" She smiled encouraginly "Do you want me to sing you to sleep?"

"Yes. Please..." He gave her puppy eyes she could not resist.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

 You make me happy when skies are grey. 

You'll never know dear, how much I love you. 

Please don't take my sunshine away"

He closed his eyes and fell asleep lying in her lap, their hands still together.

Lena smiled.

"Now it's up to you, Mirabel"

Impostor (Worthless #2)Where stories live. Discover now