7- Getting ready

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I'd told them that it was dangerous so many times. I repeated again and again that there were high chances of dying.

"Guys, what if you stay here while I-"

"Oh, shush Mira" Lena separated from Camilo with another soft kiss in his hands and fetched her things. "Get ready guys, we're going hunting!"

I never would have imagined that they would be so eager and determined to fight for the ones they loved. I admired that, but I was secretly jealous. 

So we leaved the hospital to get some stuff. In the way, I told them my story. Not all of it, just the part where  a voice told me that it had my friends.

"If I find whoever hurt Milo, I'm gonna make him meet Hades and my fist at the same time" Lena said while she changed. Whenever she wore her camouflage t-shirts, she was about to beat the shit out of someone.

"Guys, if we're going to kill anything, shouldn't we get a few... weapons?" Mariano looked unsurely at his fists.

"Yeah... Perhaps..." I wasn't sure you could kill the voice with a few weapons.

A few minutes later, everyone was armed with kitchen knives, lighters, rubber bands, juice boxs and every other "weapon" teenagers could buy at the supermarket. They also prepared a first-aid-kit, some snacks, blankets and extra clothing.

"Ok. Time to go!"

I was about to tell them that I wasn't sure where to go, when two boys interrupted us. The younger was a brunette with olive skin, and ran to me as soon as he saw me.

I was speechless when he hugged me tightly.

"Ay Mira, they just told us that the Madrigals were in the hospital and- and I... I thought..."

He let me go. I reconized him. He was Gabriel Reguera.

"I'm ok" I replied, still shocked. I felt heat coming up my cheeks. What was happening to me? A smile was drawing in my face. Why was that happening? And why did I feel so nauseous, but, like, nicely?

"Thank the gods" He realized he was holding my hand, but didn't let go. "I was so friggin'worried"

He was worried about... me? Since when was Gabriel like that?

"It's ok..." I smiled at him "Well, not ok. Toñito and Blanca are ok, and so is Abuela. But the rest are... well...

"We're gonna save them" Lena was pretty scary in her camoufage outfit. She had painted black strippes in her face and had a knife in her hand.

"Then I'm going too!" Said the other boy. He looked much like Gabriel, only older. He was probably Andrés, his older brother. He had a card hidden in his pocket. I could have sworn it said "Get well soon, Isabela"

Everything seemed more real now. I had a whole rescue team and I didn't know where to go.

Or, did I? 

I remembered Mami's story. Her friends entered some kind of portal that was beside the river. The river where Abuelo died.

"We need to go to the river" I said.

And so everyone started moving. I'm sure everyone who saw us probably thought we were in some kind of emo fase, like the one Isabela had a few years ago.

We arrived quicklier than I thought. Everyone was pretty motivated.

The river was as pretty as I remembered it. It seemed magical.

"No," I thought "there's no time to admire the sights"

Now, what did I do? How could we open a portal?

"Guys" I told them "As you're gonna come and sacrifice yourself, I think you deserve to hear the truth. The whole truth"

They all stared at me. Gabriel held my hand and nodded. I took a deep breath.

"It all started when I was seven..."

And I told them the whole story. About the voice, the powers, how it came back...

When I finished, I could feel I was turning bright red. Now, they would probably think I was just an impostor working for the enemy. They would abandon the mision. What was I thinking, telling them?

"Hey..." Lena came and hugged me "It's ok. You've been so, so brave."

"Really?" I asked. I thought I was just a coward...

"Yeah" Gabriel smiled encouraginly "You went through all of that by yourself! You could have asked for help"

"And who would have helped a little girl who was basically helping the greatest enemy in town?"

Lena raised her hand. Gabriel did, too. Then Samuel, Mariano, Andrés...

I gasped. So, I could have asked for help? It was so simple?

Suddenly, I felt much more confident. I smiled.

"I know what to do. Stand back."

They did, and I extended my hand. I used all of my power, all of my emotions, like that time when I was seven. Although this time, they were good emotions.

The ground started shaking, but I didn't stop.

Everything turned darker. The temperature dropped.

I didn't stop.

My feet stopped touching the ground. I started screaming, blood pouring from my nose and splashing in the ground. 

I could hear the conmotion around me. They were telling me to stop. I should have listened.

The ground ripped, revealing a dark red slimy hole like it was hell's nosehole.

The portal.

I dropped to the ground.

I woke up a bit later. I saw Gabriel's worried face staring at me. Lena stared at me, red faced.


I smiled. "Sorry, bestie"

I tried to get up, lost balance, and fell straight into Gabriel's arms. I blushed furiously.

"You sure you can manage?" Gabriel asked.

"I have to" I replied, trying to sound brave.

We counted three and jumped straight into that sinkhole, unsure of what the future had planed for us.

Impostor (Worthless #2)Where stories live. Discover now