15- Epilogue

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I sat in a plastic chair hearing the rythm of bachata and tango. We were all partying.

"Here you go, Mariposa" Gabriel handed me a plate full of food.

I liked the new nickname. I smiled 

"Gracias" I started stuffing my nose. 

I catched a glimpse of my family and I smiled again. We were all so happy. We deserved it, after all.

I leaned on Gabriel.

"Everything's perfect. Too perfect..." I said

"Don't worry" He held my hand "We deserve a party. You deserve a party. Wanna dance?"

So we both started ruling the dance floor.

Dolores's POV

"Hey, are you ok amor? You're sweating..." Dolores playfully bickered her boyfriend.

"I've got a surprise for you. Would you turn around?" He said.

Dolores turned, thinking about it. What could it be?

He tapped her shoulder.

She turned and gasped. He was standing at one knee.

"Dolores Madrigal, we had more adventures together last week than most people in their lifetime. I've started thinking that life is way too short. You gotta start doing the things you want or they'll dissapear. So, would you honour me, and become my wife?"

Dolores stood still. They were already adults, after all. And he was right. She launched herself to him.

"Yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyeseyesyesyes!!"

Luisa's POV

"Can I see already?" She pouted

"Almost ready!" Samuel said while painting. "Ok, it's done now!"

Luisa stared at the picture. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. It was her, and Samuel, in a little canoe in the river.

"I love it!" She smiled "It's wonderful!"

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and started running.

"Where are we going?" She asked while they ran

"You'll see..." He replied mysteriously

They reached the river.

Samuel smiled and pulled up a tiny boat from behind a bush.

"Where did you get that from?" She asked, staring at it astonished

"A magician never reveals his tricks!"

And with that they both sailed the river, close together.

"Hey... Gracias" She said

"For what?" He asked confused


And they kept sailing together.

Isabela's POV

Isabela was competing in a cycling competition they'd organized. Colorful rings hanged from the trees. She tried to fish them with a long stick while she pedaled.

Her hair was tied up, she wore a black top and blue leggings and no make up.

She had fished five rings when she reached the finish line. And she fell on a mud puddle.

"Nice. I think you won" Andrés clapped and reached his hand, which she took.

"Thank you"

"Oh, and by the way, I think you're much pretier like this. You look like yourself"

She stared at her muddy outfit, her ponytail full of leaves, her sneakers.

"I feel like myself" She smiled proudly

"As you should" He smiled too "Wanna grab a drink?"


So they walked together, smiling under the sunlight.

Camilo's POV

Camilo was stuck in a wheelchair for two weeks. So he sat rather glum, thinking about all of the fun competitions he could not participate in.

"Hey..." Lena appeared with a smile "How are you doing?"

"OK" Was his only reply.

Lena sat next to him "Look! I brought you some chocolate cake!"

He thanked her and ate, a smile slowly lighting up his face "Hospital food was pretty awful, you know. Hey, want some?"

"No, thanks. By the way, I know what's wrong with you..." She said in a singsong voice

"You do?" He blushed lightly

Without further words, she pushed the wheelchair until they reached the starting line of the cycling competition.

"What are you doing, Lena?" He asked sadly "You know I can't cycle... The stitches..."

Lena gave him a stick and started pushing him faster and faster.


"Pick the rings!" She yelled.

When he understood, his face lighted up. 

"Yay!" He yelled as they shot fast the trees, reaching at the colorful rings.

They ended the race laughing, red in the face.

"Hey, Camilín, need your girlfriend so you can compete?"

They both turned to find Manuel. Camilo was about to go away, but he was shocked when he heard it.

Lena slapped Manuel hard across his face.

"Go fuck yourself!" She yelled, and then pushed Camilo away. Manuel stood there, too stuned to move.

"Woah... That. Was. AWESOME!!" Camilo smiled

"I know, right? But now, seriously, are you ok?" Lena held his hands and looked at his eyes

"I just... I feel like I was pretty useless. I mean, you had to drag me, I didn't fight or anything..." Tears formed in his green eyes

"Hey! Don't talk about Camilo like that!" She smiled "You fought, you know. In your way. Not everyone would have survived, yet you did. And now, we dance."

"Wait... What? I can't dance!"

"C'mon, Milo." She pushed him to the dance floor and put her hands in his shoulders.

"I don't know why you're still with me... I'm just a burden"

"Stop talking nonesence! I love you, idiot. Now dance"

He held her waist "Thanks... Love you, too."

Lena kissed his forehead "About time."

And they spinned together.

Mirabel's POV

We aren't a perfect family. But I love it.

I could see my parents and tíos dancing a slow tune. Antonio and Blanca were copying them.

I smile.

Because no matter what the future brings, I know we'll face it together.

Because united, we're stronger than we'd ever be by ourselves.

Thanks to everyone who accompanied me in the journey of writing this story. It's been completely amazing and I've learned a lot in the way. What else can I say? Thank you. A lot. Thank you for reading, voting, for everything!!!! And, as some people say, the end is just the beggining.

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