14- Alone

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Everything hurt when I woke up.

"I'm dead" Was the only thing I managed to think.

Reclutantly, I opened my eyes. Everything was red and unfocused.

My face was sticky from blood.

"This is hell." I sighted "This is my punishment for helping the shadow"

I thought my sacrifice would prove that I was good, but it probably wasn't.

I was a sinner, condemned to wander hell forever.

"Get up" I told myself "No one's gonna help you"

So I got up, fell down, and got up again. My head hurt. 

Everything started spinning.

I fell uncouncious.

"Mirabel, do you copy? It's been two days. I'm starting to believe when they say you're dead. But you're too good for that. Please, wherever you are, just go back home. I miss you... Change and out"

I woke up sweating. I'd seen Gabriel with a walkie-talkie. He was speaking, sending a message to... me?

He said that they thought I'm dead. Mami was probably really sad, and so was Papi. I felt bad for them. Actually, there were chances that everyone missed me.

He said I was good. That was harder to believe when I was trapped in what seemed like hell.

He said I should go back home. Lately, I'd been struggling with finding my home. But now I knew it. Home is where people love you. Where you can always rely on each other. Home isn't actually a place, but a feeling. Where you belong. And where people miss you. Just like he said.

I realized I had to go back. At least try it. 

But where did I start?

I walked in circles until I was so exhausted that I collapsed. I only had nightmares that night. My family was telling me that they were better without me. But, then, the dream changed.

"Mirabel, do you copy? It's day three. We all miss you so bad. Everyone was allowed out of the hospital today. But no one's happy. I don't know how they'll go on without you... How I'll go on... Please, come back. We need you. I need you..."

I woke up shivering. It was so cold. I started running in circles to try and heat up.

I was thirsty. But there was nothing to drink. So I just started walking.

There was no exit. And there was no end. I could keep walking forever. 

Suddenly, I reached a place that seemed familiar. It looked like the town back home, only darker and scarier. The roads were desert. No chatting in the streets. No groups of old ladies gossiping. No kids playing. No music. I uncounciusly walked to the bakery. The Reguera bakery. Gabriel's place.

There was no smell of freshly baked bread. No cookies displayed. No arepas nor any sweet. Nothing. The stands were empty.

I sighted. I'd hoped for something to eat. I was starving.

I crouched behind the empty counter and fell asleep, to exhausted to dream.


"Mirabel, do you copy? It's been four days now. I go to the river everyday, hoping you'll be there, with your smile. But you're never there. Are you actually gone? I can't tell. But I'll keep contacting you, in hope that one day you'll answer. I miss you so much. I love you... Please don't die... Change and out."

I woke up. The dream still echoed in my head. 

No... It wasn't my head.

I could her Gabriel through the walls. He was sobbing.

"I'm still here" I wanted to tell him, but there was no answer.

I followed the noise until it grew louder. I went up some stairs and entered a room. It was darker there. The sobs were so close.

I reached out my hand. It was just like Gabriel was there...

The noise stopped. My hand just met the air. There was no one there. Silly me. I went to the window and picked up a stone. I threw it with all my might. 

I landed with a "Thump"

I did it again and again.






What? I went down trying to find what had the rock hitted. 

I opened my eyes widely.

In the back wall of the bakery, there was a hole in the wall, covered in what seemed like skin. Jiggly skin covered in blood and dark vines.

I reached my hand and touched the hole. I pushed and my hand met the other side.

What I first felt was the heat. Just as if my hand had met... sunlight.

I quickly crossed the whole, and the light blinded me.

When I could see again, I found myself in the back of the bakery. The normal bakery.

I turned to the hole, but it was gone.

Clumsily, I walked out of the back and saw the window. 

There was noise coming from inside.

"Mirabel, do you copy? It's been five days. Everyone thinks you're dead. I kinda believe it, too. But then I remember your face when I last saw it and I think that it's impossible. You're too strong. I love you for that. For everything you are, actually."

"Your abuela organized a party to celebrate that the monster's gone. But, of course, no one actually wants to celebrate. It's just compromise. It's in two days. Your funeral is just afterwards"

"I wanted to let you know that. It'll be weird to have a funeral for you when there's still a chance that you're out there."

"Or maybe you're not and I'm just trying to ignore trauma."

"Either way, I just wanted to tell you that I'm still here. There's still hope."

"Love you. Change and out"

I threw a stone which hit the window.

A familiar face appeared.

"Missed you, too" I told Gabriel.

Gabriel's POV

He couldn't believe his eyes. Was it really her?

He ran downstairs and to the street. She was still there.

She was covered in red goo and bruised, but she was there. With her glasses, her shiny eyes, her smile, her curls...

He ran to her, arms wide open, and they hugged.

"Don't you ever do that again!" He said tearfully

"I'm not planing on doing so" She replied, smiling widely.

They kissed.

The whole Madrigal family appeared as soon as they heard the conmotion.

"Hola, familia" She said."I'm back!"

They all hugged. Even Gabriel. It was a happy day. Because, finally, the family was whole again.

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