Chapter 1.

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"You look beautiful, Lee. Now let's go or else we'll be late and Alpha Vince will have our heads," my best friend Laney states.
At the moment I was standing in front bathroom mirror smoothing down my cobalt blue, knee length dress. My shoulder length black hair was in short curls, and my makeup done lightly to compliment my black eyes and pale skin. Laney, my best friend, was in a longer white dress that made her straight red hair shine and her brown eyes twinkle. We both hated dressing up, but unfortunately we had to considering we were to attend the future alphas 18th birthday. He will be searching for his mate at the party and some females were excited whilst others were terrified, like me.

I looked over at Laney with a small smile. "You look stunning, Laney. Aren't you scared though? I mean what if either of us is his mate?"

She threw her arm around my shoulder. "Chill out, Lee. I'm pretty sure we're in the clearing. I mean we're too young." She was too young being only 16. I was 17 and freaking out.
We snuck down the stairs and ran towards Laneys Mustang before her parents and older brother could tease us about being in dresses. Laney quickly turned the key and we were on our way.
Pulling up to the open gates of the pack house, there were cars everywhere and people outside drinking.

"I thought that this was a formal party, with parents," I said to Laney.

She shrugged. "Guess not. Now let's go party!"
We jumped out of the car and walked towards the house. With each step I took, my heart picked up speed, and by the time I was inside it was beating out of my chest. What's going on ?
The music was so loud the walls vibrated. Bodies were grinding and jumping to the beat, all while still holding their cups.
Laney pulled me towards the kitchen where all the alcohol was. I wasn't much of a drinker, but tonight I would make an exception. All the girls here were wearing tight short dresses to show off their perfect bodies.
Laney handed me a cup of beer and I took a gulp. Chugging my beer I grabbed Laneys hand and pulled her towards the music. A slow song came on and we swayed and giggled.

A growl sounded over the music, causing everyone to freeze and look for the source. I turned to look also and instantly regretted it. There stood Landyn Westman looking ready to kill. His muscles were bulging out of his shirt and fists clenched. What scared me the most was the fact that his ambers eyes were glaring right at me.

He started walking towards me, pushing people roughly out of his way. Just before he could reach me, I took off in a sprint straight up the stairs. I heard him growl again and heard his heavy footsteps gaining on me. 'Oh god he going to kill me' I mentally screamed. I quickly ran into the first room I reached, slamming and locking the door. I turned to look for window and ran towards it.
Before I could even get it open, the bedroom door flew off its hinges and landed across the room. I turned and looked and the pissed off alpha standing there. He started to stalk towards me as I struggled to open the window.
My hair was yanked back roughly causing me to cry out in pain. He pushed my into the nearest wall, pressing his body against mine to keep me still. That's when I felt it, the sparks and his scent smelt woodsy and masculine. Oh god no.

He grabbed my jaw and turned it towards him. "Never fucking run from me, little mate. Next time I won't be responsible for my actions," he growls in my face. I can't help but whimper from his grip and authority. He leans his forehead against mine and breaths in my scent with closed eyes. He was at least 6'6 compared to my 5'5 height.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you, little mate," he opens his eyes and I'm shocked to see their pitch black. "What's your name, baby?"

"Lee," I choke out then clear my throat. "LeeAna."

He smiles as his eyes turn back to their normal amber color. "My beautiful LeeAna," his knuckles running down my cheek. I'm so shocked I can barely move with all the sparks coming from his touch.
"Your mine, baby girl," Landyn whispers in my ear. I'm dead. I'm so dead.

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