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Not an update! My apologies, but I have something to say.

I have been reading all the comments on every single chapter because I'm sitting here doing nothing, but trying to finish the next chapter and decided to take a little comment reading break.

Im-I-- what the fuck, guys?!? I'm really upset with the amount of girls that would throw themselves back into the arms of a rapist. Is Landyn sorry? Yes, definitely, but don't hate on Lee because she a little fucked up from being hurt like that. And she wasn't "hurt" whatever the fuck that means. She was hurt. Without the quotes, you jackass.

He's changed, I know he's trying and that's different but I had little girls commenting about her forgiving him ONE DAY AFTER BEING RAPED!

One person said "This is exactly why men think they're stronger and better than us... Because of girls like Lee."

If you're reading this, you know exactly who you are.

I was kind of drifting away from this story for awhile because I couldn't even... Understand? Idk.

Yes, Landyn has changed and some shit has gone down that changed your view of Lee and Lan. All I'm trying to say here is this book IS FICTION. We do not have mates nor are we mythical creatures (even though that'd be awesome). We do not understand a bond or the reason for people's (sometimes stupid) actions.

And for those of you who knew exactly what Lee was going through...God bless you and I hope life is treating you very well because you seriously deserve nothing less.

Thank you to those who never called Lee a bitch or selfish and always tried to understand her point of view in this story. You're awesome.

Also I think it's funny when someone's like "I'm so done with this book" or "bye". Then I see them comment a few chapters later. Like...I thought you were done? What're you still doing here?

It's late to be ranting about this because Lee has put it behind her but reading those comments got me all worked up.

She has grown, and she still is. Both her and Landyn. Just... don't be a mean person. It took a lot for be to put this story out there and this rant is getting too long. I got them anger issues BAD, man.

Not saying Lee will never forgive Landyn just that she was young and emotional and learned to grow form these things. At 17 she thought she would never heal from that but she did and will continue to do so.

My apologies for not updating. Life is really biting me in the ass right now.

I might lose readers over this, but I don't care. I'm thankful for people who have stuck by me throughout this story.

Next chapter is almost done.

Love you all! :) even if you think I'm an asshole.

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