Chapter 24.

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Castle by Halsey

^^awesome song.


Just for that, I made this chapter longer than my usual.



My legs felt like jelly walking out of Jensen's office. I was in a haze.

I was going to see Landyn again. Would he bring my parents? Laney and Mike? Probably not Mike but a girl can hope. I missed them. I tried face timing and calling them for months but they never answered, not one of them. Because there was no wifi at the house, I had to drive up to town and face time in the coffee shop.

Entering the living room, I see Ben and Olly watching TV. They had no idea that Landyn was my mate and rejected me. All they knew was that I was from the Grey Shadow pack. Before he came tomorrow, I was going to tell them. Not that he raped me, just that he rejected me, gave me a choice to go back and I didn't.

"Hey," I muttered and sat down beside Olly. "I have to tell you guys something." My hands rubbed my jean clad thighs.

Olly sat up a little and frowned at me. "What's going on, Lee?" I lean forward to rest my elbows on my knees.

"Did you know the Grey Shadow pack was coming?" My question directed to both of them. Ben sits up, joining the conversation. They both nod.

"That's why I made all that extra food," Olly says and rubs her big belly. To think the only thing we really have in common with humans was our pregnancy terms.

"Well..." And I told them. I told them about Landyn dropping me off here and rejecting because he wanted me to have a choice. I didn't want them to know that he hurt me and raped me. Ben was a warrior, anger was his strong suit and so was fighting.

"What the fuck, Lee," Ben shouts and stands up. His eyes burning with anger as he stares me down. "All this fucking time you had a mate and you didn't tell us. We're your best friends, your family. And not to mention, you left your mate because you were too stubborn to go back. How fucking stupid can you be? Do realize how much pain your causing for the both of you?"

He was right. I was in a lot of pain for a really long time. Trying to survive without your mate is like trying to quit smoking. Some people give in and others are stronger. To this day, I still feel aches of pain but I've become accustomed to it. Pain is my friend.

I shake my head. "Ben-"

"No. Just shut up, okay. I never thought you could be so- so selfish and idiotic. You had a chance to be happy and you blew it because your too what? Independent? Your nothing but a-"

"Ben," Olly shouts. "Would you shut the fuck up. Think before you say something you cant take back."

His words register in my mind and I stare at the white carpet. Ben has never blown up on me like that and it was really scaring me. I didn't want to look up to the black eyes that would remind me of Landyn's.

"Lee," Olly whispered. "I can tell your not telling us the full story. There is a reason you didn't go back, isn't there?" I can hear Ben taking deep breaths trying to calm himself. Damn Olly for being so smart and observant.

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