Chapter 2.

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First chapter was a little short and escalated pretty quickly, but I'll to write long, juicy chapters :) Hope you guys enjoy!

Bloom by The Paper Kites << good song


I wanted to run. God I wish I could just get away from him. He was suffocating me with his constant presence and I felt like a horrible mate for admitting it. All I needed was a little space to take in what had happened and he couldn't even give me that.

After the whole scary scene in the bedroom, he carried me downstairs and straight outside to his car, ignoring everyone around us. I felt so conflicted because I needed to talk to Laney but I knew Landyn wouldn't allow it. He scared me but he also pissed me off.

Setting me in his black truck, he put my seatbelt on for me and shut my door. Once he got in the truck he started it, resting one hand on my thigh and the other on the wheel. Sparks ran through my whole body and I tried to ignore them but his scent trapped in the car with me wasn't helping.

"You need to take a right," I told him. I was giving him directions to my house.

He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What?"

"My house. You need to take a right on Desert Road to get there." He laughed at me then squeezed my thigh. What's so funny?

He pulled to truck over, put it in park and turned his massive body towards me. I played with the hem of my dress, ignoring his burning gaze on the side of my face. Feeling his gaze sweep down my body made me tingle in all the right places.

"Look at me, little mate," his deep voice full of authority. I quickly turned my head towards him, meeting amber orbs that were burning holes through me. "You live with me from now on. Understand?" I just stare at him with wide eyes.
I wanted to go home not live with him, I was only 17.

He grabs my chin and pulls me towards him. "I asked a question, little mate. I expect an answer," his warm breath fanned across my face. He smelt like fresh rain.

Snapping out of my trance, I slowly shake my head. "I-I can't." His grip on my chin tightened enough to scare me.

"And why is that?" I could tell he was loosing his cool.

"I'm 17, Landyn. I can't come live with you yet. Plus my parents would never allow it," I say. .

Landyn growls, unbuckles my seatbelt and grabs my hips, bringing me to straddle his lap. I could feel his hardness which instantly has me stiffening. Placing my hands on his hard, toned chest I gasp when he lightly grinds into me. His huge hands were keeping my hips in place.

"I don't give a shit what your parents think, little mate. I'm an Alpha and I will take what belongs to me," he states in my ear. "Besides we can get a head start."

I pull back and frown at him, "What do you mean?" I ask.

He smirks, "We can start having pups and starting our own family."

Pups? Babies? My life hasn't even started yet and he wants a family.

"Now, we are going to go home and I'm finally going to mark what's mine." He sets me back in my seat, buckles me up again and begins to drive.

I'm shocked. It's normal for a Lycan to want pups once meeting his mate but I've seen mates that have up to 15 kids. Lycans are very territorial, dominant and their sex drive is unbelievable.

I knew that if I tried to fight Landyn he would get angry and force the mark, which I've heard is very painful. So, I kept my mouth shut for the rest of the ride. Maybe when we get there I can try and convince him to hold off on marking me.

10 minutes later, we pull up to a white medium sized house. Surprisingly I was expecting a mansion or bachelor pad. This house was neither, it looked like a normal 2 story family house. Plus it was in the middle of the woods.

Landyn got out of the truck, as I slowly opened my door. The door was suddenly yanked open with a growl. I looked at Landyn with wide and confused eyes.

"Next time, you wait for me, little mate," he hastily unbuckled my seat belt and wraps my legs around his waist.

Slamming the door shut, he walks towards the house, gravel crunching under his boots.
I keep my hands on his shoulders and rest my forehead against his neck. His hands tighten on my thighs and pull me even closer, if that were possible. I can't help but feel warm and safe with him. I could feel the heat of his skin through the fabric between us.

He suddenly stops at the front door and pulls his keys out, unlocking it. Once we're inside his scent hits me with full force. I looked around to find the living room clean and spotless. Did he own this house?

As if reading my thoughts Landyn says, "I decided to get this house a few months ago. I figured me and my beautiful mate would need our privacy." He sets me down on the island in the middle of the kitchen and smiles down at me.

Landyn was unbelievably handsome, especially when he smiled with his perfect white teeth. His jawline sharp, with a dark stubble to match his dark brown hair. His lips nice, pink and plump. Lastly his amber eyes that my my insides flutter and turn with a single look.

He stared down at me with a small smile and brought his knuckles to my cheek, lightly caressing. I blushed and quickly looked down.

He chuckled, "Are you hungry, baby girl?" He whispers. I shake my head, still looking down. He picks me up again and heads towards the stairs.

I panic, "Wait. Land-" he cuts me off by tightening his grip and growling. That shuts me up. I guess somewhere in my head I knew there was no stopping him from marking me.

Once up the stairs, he walks to a double door bedroom at the end of the hall. We walk inside the room and he sets my down on the king size bed.

The walls were a grey color and the comforter on the bed was soft and black. The room was also very clean.

Landyn comes out of the walk in closet and hands me boxer shorts and a t-shirt. "Put these on."

I slip on the clothing all while feeling Landyns gaze on me. Folding my dress, I put it on a chair in the corner with my shoes. Then I slowly turn and meet Landyns gaze.

"Come here," he says. I walk over to the bed and climb into the comforter only to find Landyn in nothing but his boxer briefs.

His body was sculpted to perfection. His abs were mouth watering. Shoulders and arms bulky as ever. I finally realize the tattoos that ran down his shoulder to elbow. Landyn was the definition of Lycan.

I snap back to reality when he moves me to the middle of the bed on my back, hovering above me. He spreads my legs with his knee, then moves in between then. I gasp at the fire in my core and stare into his lustful eyes.

Without hesitation, Landyn moves my head to the side and sinks his canines into my neck. I cry out and grab onto his hair causing him to growl. I can feel his DNA mixing with mine and it felt amazing. He stays with his teeth in me for another few minutes before finally moving back.

Then he kisses me. I tighten my hand in his hair while one of his hands slips under my back, arching it into him. He opens his mouth and licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I hesitantly give. When his tongue met mine, my whole body caught fire. Our tongues caressing while he strokes my cheek with his other hand.

Landyn pulls back and smiles down at me. "I know your not ready yet, little mate. I will wait for you," he whispers. "All I want to do right now is hold my beautiful mate in my arms."

My heart skips a beat. He moves onto his side and pulls me into him. Facing each other, I look up at him and can't figure out why people would think of him as a monster. His father, yes, Landyn, no. I tangle my legs into his and wrap my arm around his torso, seeking his comfort and warmth.

He kisses my forehead, "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight," I whisper and fall into a beautiful sleep.


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Landyns not so bad after all huh ?

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