Chapter 17.

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In The Embers by Sleeping At Last

Okay, a lot of disagreements in the last chapter, so hopefully this one is kind of a breather for you guys.

Trust me when I say I'm taking in everyone's opinion. I read all of the comments.



It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss Lan holding me but I can't even think about his hands on me without cringing.

I wanted answers.

I climb out of bed and slowly walk down the stairs, toward Lans sleeping form on the couch. He never wears a shirt while sleeping, so his tattoos are visible in the moonlight coming from the window. Face calm and peaceful.

A beautiful monster.

"Lan," I whisper. I didn't want to touch him. "Landyn."

He stirs a little and his eyes slowly open. Once he spots me, he inhales deeply and stretches his arms.

"Baby," his voice raspy from sleep. "What's wrong?"

I lick my lips and look him in the eye. "I want to talk to him. You say your wolf hurt me so, I want to ask him some things."

The way he stared at me had my heart racing. It's so hard to want his touch but hate it at the same time. He was my mate, my supposedly forever.

"Are you sure that's what you want-"

"Yes," I interrupt. I needed this, I needed some sort of self preservation. I needed to know what was going through his wolfs head when he decided to hurt me in the worst way possible.

"Okay," he replies and closes his eyes. I exhale and watch as his body language changes, his muscles seem to get bigger.

I stand up and walk towards the window, looking out to the dark forest surrounding us. The thought of his wolf having complete control again scared me. But he wasn't angry this time, he was only being summoned.

A sudden chill ran up my back, the tingles ran up and down my spine. I knew he was right behind me which made my heart accelerate in fear. I feel like I'm hyperventilating.

Maybe this was a mistake.

A hand suddenly slides over the right side of my ribs.

I freeze and feel as his finger runs over each of my ribs, one by one. Tears well in my eyes as the pain and tingles combined becomes too much.

I turn my body around to face him and his hand drops. He was as close as I expected, if not closer. My watery eyes meet his completely black ones.

He stared at me with a frown. Bringing his right hand to my face and running his fingertips down my cheek, to my neck. Goosebumps awoke on my skin and my heart felt like it was working overtime to keep up with my breathing.

No turning back now, Lee. Hold your head high. Talk to him. Ask him why.

"I scare you," he states. Yeah, no shit buddy. "I apologize, little mate."

"For what?" I wanted to hear him say it. He slightly winced and looked away from me. No. No, he doesn't get to do that.

"What are you apologizing for, beast?!" I yell. "Tell me!" Anger was slowly taking over my body causing my sudden bravery. That was dangerous but what more could he possibly do that he hasn't already.

He sneered his canines at me but didn't answer.

"Perhaps I shall remind you," I taunted. "Not only are you a jealous asshole with no self control but an abuser and rapist," I was full on screaming now. Tears were running down my face and I finally broke down.

A sob escaped me. "Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up alone bleeding and in pain. To know that your own soulmate, the person who claims to love you has hurt you beyond repair." My hand reaches up to rub my chest where my aching heart rests.

"Then you have the audacity to touch me and tell me everything will be okay." I cry out. "I will never be okay. Never."

His eyes stare at me blankly. Here my heart is slowly breaking and he's just standing there, showing no emotion.

"I think I deserve an explanation as to what was going through your mind when you decided to take me like that," I mumble, staring right at him.

There was a pregnant pause before he spoke, "he was keeping me from you."


"Landyn wouldn't let me out. I wanted to talk to you, touch you and love you but he was being selfish. Keeping you all to himself." He sneered in anger. "When I took you that night, I was so drawn to you. You were so fucking beautiful and I-I smelt another man on you. Instinct took over me and I couldn't stop myself."

"After, I couldn't stand to look at your broken, fragile body. It was all my fault and I ran into the woods and shifted." His black eyes are sad. "I'm so sorry, little mate. I take full blame for everything. J-just tell me what I have to do to gain you trust and love back."

I cleared my throat. "So you raped me because it was your first time being able to physically touch me?" He nodded. "Way to make a first impression."

My chest felt a little lighter. This wasn't me forgiving him, no this was me finally getting my explanation. I felt better now that I got all that anger out.

"Well, goodnight," I sigh and a hiccup from all the crying escapes me.

"Lee," Landyn calls. I turn from the bottom of the stairs and look at him. Yeah, it's Lan again. "I start anger management classes tomorrow."

I nod. "That's good." And turn to walk up the stairs.


I sigh and face him again.

"C-can um," he rubs the back of his neck, "can I hold you tonight? Please."

My heart actually stops.

"Landyn," I shake my head.

"I know, I know but I can barely sleep without you and I can hear you rustling around a lot," he says. "Just for tonight, Lee. I swear."

I wasn't ready for that yet. His hands on me was enough to cause a panic attack so his whole body on me wasn't an option. Not to mention anger was still lightly flowing in my veins.

"I can't," I whisper and run to my room.


Who's awesome and updated two days in a row *points both thumbs at self* this girl.

So what do you guys think of this chapter? They finally talked.

Vote and comment :)

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