Chapter 35.

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Heal by Tom Odell

Laney is Lee's best friend and Alpha Sam is Laney's mate


"Landyn," I tap his thigh with my hand, "quit your damn fidgeting."

"I'm sorry, I'm nervous."

I laugh. "You're such a girl."

He grabs my hips and pulls me between his legs. We were currently in the bathroom with Landyn sitting on the sink while I trimmed his beard.

"Just shave it all off," he says.

I lean back with the small scissors in my hand and raise my eyebrows. "You want me to shave it?"


"Lan," I set the scissors down, "I cant do it, I might cut you."

He opens the small cabinet beside him, pulling out one razor and shaving cream. "Been planning to shave," he smiles and hands them to me, "just never got around to it."

I glare playfully and spray some cream in my hand before lathering it on his face. Grabbing the razor, I bring it to his cheek and take a breath as I pull it down. I clean the razor of hair off in the sink and begin again.

"So, I'm going to go see Laney today," I mutter. "Will you come?"

"I think you and Laney have personal things to talk about that I shouldn't be there for. Plus, I still have to check up on that little guy."

"Oh, thats right. Has anyone claimed him yet?"

He sighs. "No. I think he may be an orphan."

I clean the razor and lean back to look in his eyes. "We cant just leave him here or in a home. What should we do?"

"We'll figure it out," Lan says and rubs my back. "We always do."

After cleaning the razor many times, Landyn finally turned around and washed his face of any access cream. He pats it down with a towel and faced me.

Well... shit.

He frowns when I don't say anything and rubs his cheeks. "How do I look? Bad?"

I step back and give a small meaningful smile. "You look so handsome, Lan," I whisper. My hands reach forward and land on his now soft cheeks. "Really handsome."

His amber eyes brighten and a smile takes over. Hands land on my hips and pull me against his hard body. The aftershave hits my senses and I inhale deeply.

"We should do that thing that humans do," he says, while running fingers through my hair.

"What thing?"

"You know, before they mate and start a family," he snaps his fingers, "what is it?"

I laugh, knowing exactly what he's talking about. "Landyn Westmen, are you asking me to date you?"

"Yes! I mean, " he clears his throat, "LeeAna Harrison, will you go on a date with me?"

"Did you seriously not know what a date was?"

He shrugs. "I've only seen it in movies. When you're a Lycan and have a mate that's destined to be your forever, you don't really have to worry about stuff like that."

He had a point. Males were more worried about claiming their mates and starting a family than having to impress and win us over.

He was trying, and now... so was I.

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