Chapter 13.

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Paper Aeroplane by Angus & Julia Stone

If anyone makes covers and think that they have the perfect one for Alphas Claim then please share :)

Happy reading!


The fallen leaves crunched under my shoes as mother and I walked through the woods. We were heading towards the northern border line to meet the witch, Elaine. Dad had gotten a hold of the border patrols schedule, so we would have at least twenty minutes before they rounded again. Just enough time to do the spell and escape.

A few yards ahead, a woman dressed in a teal poncho and jeans was seen. Her hair was white as snow, skin pale and her blue eyes shone as we neared.

"LeeAna, correct," she asked with questioning eyes. I nod my head in reply and give her a small smile. Now I could tell she was a good witch because of her sweet scent. Evil witches have more of a foul smell to them.

"Come." She waved me towards her and I moved to stand in front of her. "Your an alphas mate, yes?"


Elaine nodded and grabbed a sun shaped necklace from her pocket. A yellow diamond sat in the middle of the suns center.

"Because of your mates ranking, I can only block the bond for a certain amount of time." Grabbing my hand, she drops the necklace in my palm. "This necklace will hide you from him. You must wear it at all times. If you take it off for more than a few hours, he will catch your thoughts and scent. Do you understand?"

I nod and clasp the necklace around my neck as she holds her palms out and chants. My neck starts to tingle a little and a feeling of loss comes over me before it quickly disappears. The chanting lasts for a few minutes before she nods her head in completion.

"Time to go," Elaine states. I grab my duffle bag and turn to my mom. Her eyes are watery and her smile sad.

Her hug is what causes me to break down. "Shh, LeeAna don't cry. Your finally free." She pulls back to wipe my tears and kisses my forehead. Our moment is interrupted by a throat clearing.

"Im sorry but if we don't leave now, border patrol will catch us." Elaine was right. Walking behind her, I give my mother one last glance. It was time to start a new life... a life without my other half.


Elaine stopped ahead of me, in front of a red pick up truck. It was used but I didn't care.
She pulled the keys out and handed them to me.

"Your going to drive down this dirt road and make a right. Signs will direct you to the nearest highway," she instructed. I gladly accept the keys.

"Thank you," I whisper my appreciation.

"Stay safe, LeeAna. Your mate is one of the most powerful Lycans known. He will stop at nothing to find what is his."

I don't really have time to reply before she disappears into thin air. I shake off my uncertainty and jump into the truck. The sun was starting to set and I wanted to get off this dirt road before night fall.

The highway was closer than I had thought. The sky darkened as I drove and my eyes began to droop. I was determined to get to the nearest town which was only twenty minutes away.


"And here's your motel key," the hotel clerk said. He was an older man with crazy eyes. "Hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thanks," I mumble before scrambling down the hall. The hotel wasn't a five star but it was a warm bed to sleep in until tomorrow's travels.

I came to a stop in front of room 205 and swiped my card to open the door.
It was ordinary with the essential dresser, nightstand, TV and queen sized bed.

I wasted no time putting my pajamas on and climbing into bed. It was strange though, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get comfortable and warm.

You miss him.

Yeah, I guess I did miss my mate but I couldn't turn back now, if I did he would probably beat the crap out of me.

I loved Landyn, I always will but no one deserves that life. A life of pain.


A sudden banging wakes me up. At first I think it's my door but quickly come to realization that it's my neighbors.

Jeez, housekeeping.

"What," the words are hissed out by the man who answered the door.

"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong room. Sorry for the disturbance."

The voice was muffled but I would recognize that voice anywhere.


How did he find me? And so quickly?


I shot up from the bed like my ass was on fire. I don't have time to change, so I grab my duffle bag, open the window and kick out the screen. The banging begins in my door causing my heart beat to quicken.

Lucky for me, I got a room on the first floor so no risky jumping was involved. I ran to my red truck which was only a few spots from my window and hop in.

My driving is erratic as I speed out of the parking lot and onto the main road. I keep checking the rear view mirror to see if I'm being followed, thankfully I'm not.

Now I knew that if I wanted to stay hidden from Landyn, I had to be on my toes... at all times.


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