Chapter 11.

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I Found by Amber Run

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My peaceful sleep was interrupted by the sound of pots and pan being thrown around. What?

I slowly climb out of bed and head to the bathroom. I almost didn't recognize myself when I looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess, my eyes puffy and nose red from crying all night. Yes, I had woken up many times last night crying because of nightmares and the way my body ached. Lan came in and tried to hold me the first time I woke up, but I would shake him off and scream for him to leave me alone. He was an idiot to think that I would want comfort from the monster that caused my nightmares in the first place.

I threw cool water on my face before slowly making my way out of the room. The cool wood creaked under my feet as I walked down the stairs. My pace as slow as a turtles. Clanking began again in the kitchen so I decide to get a water from the fridge and go back to the room.

As I enter, Lan is hustling around the kitchen in a pair of sweat pants and no shirt. His tattoos and muscles are on full display and I cant seem to care about how attractive he looks. All I can think about is how cruel he is under all those looks.

I just stand in the door and watch him flip the pancakes and bacon while scrambling eggs. There is a cup of steaming cup of coffee on a tray. Landyn makes a plate full of yummy greasy food and also places it on the tray with a few roses. He turns and halts when his eyes meet mine. He gives me a small smile while I just stare at him blankly.

"Good morning," he breathes and holds the tray out. "I was just about to bring you some breakfast in bed. I made you some coffee, chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and some scrambled eggs with cheese on them. Just the way you like it."

Those were all my favorite breakfast foods, but he was delusion if he thought making me breakfast was going to fix everything. I wasn't sure this could even be fixed... or forgiven.

"I'm not hungry," I said coldly before walking over to the fridge.

"Oh, okay." He sets the tray down and turns toward me. "LeeAna, baby I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. Words can't describe how sorry I am but I wasn't in control. I wasn't- I would never do that to you. I love you so much, babygirl."

Lan makes a move to touch me but I quickly run the the other side of the island.

My eyes fill with tears. "Your a coward." His eyes are sad as he stares at me. "You hurt me. You knocked me out but you didn't stop there did you? YOU RAPED ME, LANDYN! While I was unconscious you took advantage of me." I was sobbing now. The tears flowing from my eyes. "My own mate hurt me in more ways than one."

"And your an idiot if you think I'm going to forgive you just because you cooked fucking breakfast," I screamed. "I hate you!"

His amber eyes were filled with unshed tears. "I love you more than anything, Lee and I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you. I swear to never hurt you like that again. You have to understand I wasn't in control. My wolf smelt the male on you and his instincts were to claim what was his so he took complete control." I shake my head and look away from his sad eyes.

You don't deserve sympathy, Landyn.

Not wanting to be around him anymore, I take my water and walk towards the stairs.
His hand grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Don't touch me." I snatch my hand back. "Just leave me alone. I can't even fathom to be around you."

I don't wait for his reply before I run up the stairs and slam the room door shut.
I needed to get out of this house, out of this room.

I grab my cell phone and scroll down until I find the contact im looking for. I hold it to my ear and wait for an answer.


"Mom," I whisper. "I want to go home."


It's kinda short but I had to get this out.
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