Chapter 3.

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Litost by X Ambassadors


It was hot. Really hot. I didn't think Lycans could get so hot that they start to sweat, but here I was drenched in sweat. Landyns body heat was killing me, and him practically sleeping on top of me was only making it worse.

I look over at a sleeping Landyn, and just admire his beauty. It's hard to believe this gorgeous alpha could ever be my mate. My only friends were Laney and Mike. I was an antisocial weirdo who everyone thought was Laneys lesbian lover. And yes, there are gay Lycans but only a few. Mike was probably the most popular out of us all. He was always a likable guy, never an asshole. Not to mention Mike was a complete 'hottie' as some girls would say.

Laney on the other hand was scary when she wanted to be. She was always the tuff one out of the two of us, in fact that's kind of how we met. Long story short we were in preschool when Walter Linstin thought it would be funny to throw sand in my eyes. All I remember is Laney punching him in the nose and we've been friends ever since. Mike and Laney may be a grade lower then me but they were still my best friends.

Slowly moving the covers off my legs, I go to slide out from underneath Landyn. His bulky arm had my waist in a death grip so I started prying his fingers before quickly moving his arm. I was almost out of the bed before an arm came around my waist and tugged me back into his hot chest.

"Landyn, it's hot and I have to use the bathroom," I whisper. His eyes are now a soft brown as they examine my face. He nods and scoops me up bridal style, walking towards the bathroom.

He sets me down on the toilet and walks over to the shower, starting it. Turning to me he crosses his arms causing his muscles to flex and bulge.

"I thought you said you had to use the bathroom," he says. I shake my head and look down at my hands. I only said that because I needed to get away from his heat.

"I don't have to go anymore," I mutter.

Landyn walks to me and roughly grabs my chin. "You dont lie to me, little mate. Understand?" I nod my head while staring him straight in the eye. "Good. Now stand up and strip, we're taking a shower together."

I look at him with wide eyes and shake my head. "No." No one has ever seen me naked before.

"No?" Landyns now black eyes glared down at me. "Stand up."

"Landyn, I don't want to," I whisper while nervously playing with my fingers. I knew I probably pissed him off but I wasn't very comfortable at the moment.

My arms were suddenly yanked up causing me to stand. Landyn grabbed the bottom of the shirt I had on and yanked it up, successfully taking it off.

I gasp and push at his bare chest but he doesn't budge. I didn't even realize how bad I was shaking until now. He bends down and yanks the boxers down, leaving me in my bra and panties.

I duck past Landyn and make a run for the door. Just as I make it there, the door is slammed shut and I'm pushed up against it. Landyn snakes an arm around my waist and picks me up, walking towards the steaming shower.

"No. Put me down," I shout. I reach back, grab a hold of Landyns dark curls and pull as hard as I can. He growls loudly and sets me on my feet but keeps a firm grip on my waist. Letting go of his hair, he turns my hips towards him.

His eyes are black as night. "Grab my hair like that again, little mate and I will fuck you hard," his mouth is right against my ear causing me to shiver. "With or without your consent." My heartbeat quickens out of fear.

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