- Love Sage

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Hey. I don't know how many of you hate me but I want to just apologize from the bottom of my heart. I started this story years ago when I was younger. I was going through a very hard time. I let all my pain, anger, sadness and selfishness out through my character LeeAna. I pictured myself as her and it wasn't right. I understand this is a sensitive story for many, including myself, and my heart goes out to all of you.

I know you all are thinking I'm just another writer that falls short and can't finish a story. You're right. I did fall short. I didn't finish this story and I never will. I'm sorry.

I love to write! Writing is my escape. But writing a story, I felt pressured to pop out chapters like crazy and that process was toxic.

To all my fellow writers, don't feel pressured to create a story that's not your own. Writing is fun and beautiful... don't let people pressure you into writing so much that you start to dread it.

I love you all! You are beautiful supporters and people! It's not if I write another story it's when. But I will go at my pace and this time it will be something you never expected.

I will answer all questions you leave in the comments.

- Love Sage

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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