Chapter 15.

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Lydia by Highly Suspect

Here it is guys! Sorry for the wait.


Landyn's P.O.V


For two weeks that's all I've felt was pain. I have felt horrible physical pain, once being beaten to a pulp by the one I call my father. But this pain was different, worse because I was... empty. Without LeeAna I was empty.

Oh god, LeeAna.

I made a mistake, the biggest mistake of my life. I didn't want to force her, I would never force Lee to have sex with me but the beast couldn't stand another mans scent on her and I blacked out. I know it's not an excuse because I let my anger get the best of me... just like him.

I can't remember a time where my father was a level headed, decent man. He has always been controlling and abusive even to his own mate.
My mother was beautiful in every way, the fact that she couldn't hear was what upset my father though. In all my life, I never saw him show her any love or comfort.

I swore to myself that I would never do that to my own mate, I would cherish and love her the way she deserved and I failed. I failed so bad and I will forever hate myself but I couldn't control my anger.

Lee was gone and so was our bond. Around the time I felt the bond go, one of my patrol men saw Lee's mom walking back from the northern borderline. When he told me he caught the faint scent of a witch, I immediately knew what she did.

Lee left me. She had a witch block our bond and left me. I was pissed, so I took a few men with me and checked all motels in the towns north of the line. It wasn't rare for females to try and leave their mates by using magic, in fact it happened more often than you think.

Coming back empty handed and feeling defeated, I trashed our home. Tore the furniture apart, punched holes in the walls and shredded our bed. The bed we made love in.

I couldn't bare to live in that house anymore, so I decided to stay with my parents until I got everything fixed. To believe that two weeks without my mate was tearing me apart. I made sure to contact each pack and send a picture of her, just in case. Teams were out searching even when there wasn't a scent to follow on.

I missed her so fucking much. My chest ached when I thought of holding her again.

For the first week I was angry at her for leaving me, the beast was outraged. But that changed when I thought of my actions and what I did to her and I understand why she did it. When I find her, I will show her.

I'll never hurt Lee like that ever again.


"Landyn," I heard my mothers frantic voice call.

I popped the cap off the beer bottle and went to find her. Alcohol has been my medicine for the past two weeks. Walking into the living room my mother stares at me with wide eyes.

I set my bottle down and sign to her, "what's wrong?" I started learning sign language when I was 9 years old. We only do it when father isn't around.

"Your father wants you in his office. It's important," she signed back.

I nod and pick up my bottle, walking towards his office doors. Once I'm inside, he motions for me to sit down. I take a swig of beer and do as I'm told.

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