Chapter 36.

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Grand Optimist by City and Colour


It's been two weeks since the fight against the witches. Lan was packing our bags while I was in the kitchen making sandwiches for the road. We were getting ready to head back to my old pack. Jude sat quietly at the counter and watched me. He's seven years old and has only slightly warmed up to me.

"You like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Jude?" I turn to look at him. He nodded.

Once we brought him back from the hospital, it took some getting used to for him. He slept with Lan every night, directly on top of his chest. Not that Lan cared, I think Jude felt safer knowing Lan was right there. As for me well... we're slowly getting there.

Lan and I had gone out before he came and bought him tons of clothes, shoes, toys and some junk food. However, Jude seems to eat really healthy for a kid his age.

Laney had already went back with Alpha Sam to his pack. She promised to call me when the baby was close to coming, so I could be there for her. We've talked on the phone three times a week since she left.

Lan walks into the kitchen and my sandwich making immediately stops. His amber eyes catch mine and a slow smile forms on his face as he heads my way. His body stops directly behind mine and even though he wasn't touching me, I could still feel the heat of his huge body. 

Hairs on the back of my neck stand when he lowers his lips to me ear and says, "all ready?"

Damn. I get all hot and bothered just for him to ask me 'all ready'?

"Just about," I reply and pick up the butter knife to spread the peanut butter.

"How about you Jude? All ready?" Lan asks and I look up just in time to see a small smile form on Jude's face as he nods.

Once I make the last sandwich and pack us some waters, we head outside the front door. Jensen, Ben and Oli wait by Landyn's packed truck to say goodbye. Ben holds their little baby boy, Hudson. Oli had him just a week ago and she shouldn't even be up, but she claims to be fine and is also very stubborn. I smile sadly when she looks at me with teary eyes. I would have stayed longer to help Oli and Ben with the baby, but my parents were transferred back and Landyn had to get back also. Plus, Oli was insistent that her and Ben would be fine.

"Lee," she whispers with a cracked voice. Her arm open and I walk into her hug. "I'm going to miss you."

I squeeze her, but not too tight. "I'm going to come back and visit as much as I can, Oli. I promise."

"You better." She releases and kisses my cheek before stepping back.

I look over to Ben and reach out for little Hudson. Ben handed him over with a small smile. The baby boy mewled a little before opening his eyes, and staring widely up at me. He had Ben's eyes and the rest was all Oli. I feel Landyn walk up behind me and stare down at the baby.

"He's so handsome," I say and slide the back of my finger down his red cheek. Ben puffs his chest out like the proud father he is.

Hudson switches his eyes to Landyn's and he immediately starts crying. I panic and hand him back to Ben as he laughs a little a tries to soothe baby Hudson.

Landyn wraps and arm around my shoulder and says, "I think I scared him."

I laugh. "I think you did too. He probably felt the power coming from you."

He chuckles and kisses the back of my head. "We have to get on the road before sundown."

I sigh and smile sadly at Jensen as I walk out of Landyn's hold towards him. I don't say anything, I just wrap my arms around him and squeeze. At first he stalls but eventually relaxes and hugs me back. I whisper a soft 'thank you' before pulling away.

Giving Ben a kiss on the cheek, I head towards the truck and climb in the passengers seat as Landyn starts the car. Jude sits behind my seat because there's more room.

I roll down the window and yell, "I love you guys!"

The truck starts down the familiar dirt road while Oli waves and screams, "We love you too, Lee!"

I sit back as the wind softly blows my hair back. Lan looks over at me and smiles.

"All good?"

I nod and smile back. "Yeah, I'm all good."


After hours of pit stops and switching seats, we finally made it back to the pack. I had expected Lan to pull up to the old house, we used to live in, but instead it was a completely different one. I had never seen it before.

"Where are we?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows. Lan smiles and hops out of the car walking to my side and opening the door.

He helps me down then simple states, "We're home." He helps Jude out next then walks ahead of us up the steps.

I assess the house. It was painted a light brown color and looked to be about three stories high. Flowers were planted along the wrap around porch which surprised me. A small hand slipped into mine and I look down at Jude. He continues to stare at the house and I can tell by his eyes and stance he's a little scared.

I crouch down in front of him and grab both his hands. "Hey, Jude," his eyes meet mine, "I want you to know that I would never let anything hurt you. With me and Landyn, you don't ever have to be scared, okay?" My voice is soft as my thumbs rub his little hands.

He glances at the house then back at me. "I'm scared, Luna Lee."

I lightly pull him to the steps of the porch and sit him down next to me. "Wanna know a secret Jude?" He nods quickly and stares at me. I sigh, " I'm scared too. But it's okay because we can be scared together. And one day, hopefully soon, we'll stop being scared together."

He tilt his head and looks at me with questioning eyes. "Why are you scared Luna Lee?"

I smile and bring a hand up and run it through his hair. "Just call me Lee, kid. I'm no Luna... yet." I avoided his question on purpose. "Let's get inside and make some potato soup."

"With those oyster crackers?" He asks innocently.

I laugh. "Of course."

At that moment Landyn walked out, gave me a quick kiss before jogging to the truck to get our luggage.


Well, hello. Been a while 5 months to be exact and I sincerely apologize.

It's a short chapter but you guys deserve something. The next is going to be longer because Lee and Lan still have some family issues to work out.

*sigh* it's good to be back guys. I've honestly missed you all very much.

Vote and comment, my loves.

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