Chapter 34.

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Worry by Rhodes

Decided to throw a deep ass quote in lol.

Heath Ledger ladies! The man will always have my heart! An amazing romantic and one hell of a Joker :)

Remember to vote because you love this story and I love you for reading this story lol. And because you guys guys are amazing but you already know that ;)

This is just a small chapter I had to get out.



Landyn's POV

At a young age, I was prepared for a lot of things. Prepared to be an Alpha, prepared to take a hit at anytime, and prepared to find my mate. But nothing could ever prepare me for what I saw the day we found our parents in those cells. Nothing.

I love my mother. She's what has always kept me going. But the moment I saw her in my fathers arms that day... It was like watching it in slow motion and it keeps replaying in my head. Over and over.

Losing her and Lee was my downfall. That was my rock bottom. But I didn't let it bring me down. Instead, I made my way up and became the Alpha my pack deserved. I went to every single anger management class and waited years for Lee to come back. It sounds dumb to wait that long for someone who obviously hated me, but when you fuck up as bad as I did its least you could do. I can tell Lee is still a little iffy about us, but we're getting there.

That four years has been very good to her. My god, if she isn't the most beautiful female I had ever seen. She was all woman. During battle, I watched her eat the neck of a witch and I almost couldn't believe how sexy she looked doing it. I know, its a little dark but we're Lycans... everything about us is dark. Including our past.

I felt a warm hand slide up my back, and rest on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window in my bedroom, cringing when I accidently hit the bruise there.

"Landyn," Lee whispered. "Talk to me."

I shake my head.

We had gone to visit my mother today. She wasn't there, but Vince was. He told me he had already sent her back to the pack, and that I didn't need to worry. The dumb fuck said he would take care of her from now on, and that I could see her when she was all healed. Take care of her? He can barely take care of himself, and Vince is the last fucking person I would trust to take care of my injured, deaf mother. When I was younger I had no choice, but now... He better watch his back.

Not only did we get into a huge fight in the infirmary, but he had a few of his 'buddies' jump in too. I didn't lose, but they did get a few hits in. Bruise on my forehead, cut eyebrow and cut up knuckles. I've said it before and I will continue to... Vince is a fucking monster.

"Here," Lee muttered, and grabbed my hands. Cinnamon invaded my senses and I inhaled deeply. She turns my body and sits me on the bed. Then disappears into the bathroom, bringing back some gauze, hydrogen peroxide and a towel.

"This is going to sting," she says before holding the towel under my right hand and pouring the liquid on my hand. It slightly stings and fizzles but nothing too bad. She wraps my right hand and repeats with the left. As she does this, all I can do is stare at her face. The moonlight from the window hit her dark hair which framed her face beautifully, and those onyx eyes always seemed to entrance me.

"Okay." She pats my lightly pats my hands. "All better."

I tilt my head as our eyes meet. She gives a small smile and goes to stand, but I grab either sides of her cheeks. My thumbs trace the tired lines under her eyes.

"I don't want to talk, Lee," I mumble. "At least not right now. Right now, I just want to sleep."

"Okay. I'll let you rest."

I tighten my hold as she goes to get up, and do what I've been waiting to do since I saw her for the first time in four years.

I kiss her.

Not to rough, but strong enough to make her feel how much I've missed her. Her lips don't respond at first, but she eventually softens up. And it was so much better than I had imagined. Every nerve in body burned and ached for her. I tilt my head to deepen the kiss, but she pulls back.

"Slow," is all she says. I understood and gave her bottom lip one last peck.

"Lay with me," I whisper.

"I thought we were starting over slow," she chuckles. "This isn't exactly slow."

"I know, but I-I just.."

"Its okay, Lan. I'll stay until you fall asleep." I was perfectly fine with that.

Lee slips her shoes off while I pull the covers back and wait for her to crawl in. The bed was pushed up against the wall, but it was big enough for the two of us. I slide in behind Lee and pull the duvet over our bodies. She faces the wall and I slowly reach over and pull her body close to mine. One arm under her neck and the other over her shoulder. I move her hair, so I can rest my mouth against the back of her neck.

"I've missed you so much, Lee." I think she already knows but I still had to tell her.

She releases a shaky breath and turns her body to face me. "I hated... I hated the fact that I missed you too, Lan. I hated that I couldn't sleep without you next to me sometimes, even though you're like a damn heater," I laugh at that, "I hated you, but I didnt at the same time, and I think that's why I didnt go back. I was too stubborn."

"I'll never blame you for not going back, Lee. That was all me. I was the biggest dick to you."

"Right now," she pauses and looks at my face, "is the last we will ever speak about this. No more bringing it up. We put it in the past and leave it there. We cant heal if we keep bringing up old shit."

I raise my eyebrows. "Yeah?"


Lee grabs my beard and tugs it. I hiss and push my nose into hers.

"When did you become a caveman?" she asks.

"You don't like it?" I smooth my beard down. "I thought it gave me that hot rugged look."

"It gives you the 'I'm a homeless man' look," she murmurs against my neck. "Let me clean it up a little tomorrow."

I shrug. "Okay."

She stares at my beard. "Think I see some grey hairs."

My eyes widen and cover my beard. "You're lying."

She laughs and tightens her hold on me.


Its not much but its something for now. How was it?

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