Chapter 26.

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Try by The xx

I was feeling a little gloomy the other day because someone told me I was disgusting for writing this story :(

You beautiful readers always lift my spirit though. Thank you! I can not tell you how much I appreciate you all :)



Landyn and I sit silently in the SUV as we drive toward the coven grounds. They were a few hours away from Jensen's pack so we had a long tip ahead of us.

Because white witches are the good of magic, they like to stay in the nature scene. Their homes are tipi like and children are homeschooled, obviously.

The coven started with the first thirteen white witches and then it eventually grew when they fell in love with human men. Having children with humans wasn't really ideal but it was the only way they could breed. Now, there are human men that live with their family in the coven community. Witches are mean breeding machines, right after Lycans.

Landyn clears his throat and glances over at me. "So um... how've you been?"

I was surprised by his question. He looked a little nervous?

"Fine," I say and stare out the window. "What about you?"

He chuckles. "Not so fine."

I nod. Right. It was a little awkward.

"So..." His hands tighten over the steering wheel. "Do you have a boyfriend? Or past relationships that were serious?"

Oh, Landyn. You are making this trip VERY awkward now.

"Why?" I just wanted to mess with him.

He shrugs but I can see the tick in his jaw. "Just trying to catch up."

"You're making this car ride a little awkward, Landyn."

"I'm just curious, LeeAna."

A blow a puff of air and his head snaps my way. I think I heard it crack a little.

His face holds a frown and I chuckle. "No, there has not been any serious relationships for me. I've been too busy training and what not. Besides its not really ideal to be with another man who destined to someone else. When," my voice lowers to a whisper, "I'm destined to someone else."

His eyes avert back to the road. Frown gone and his body relaxed a little.

"Well, if you're wondering, I haven't been with anyone either. No one even comes close to comparing to you." My eyes widen at his statement and I stare at him. I wasn't going to ask because I really didn't want to know if he had someone else. I think this answer hurts a lot more, though.

"You know," I blurt out, wanting to ease the awkwardness. "I miss those cheesy enchiladas."

A smile twitches on his lips. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." My voice and smile small.

"When we get back to the Revon pack, I'll make you some. I love cooking for you."

A small warmth fills my chest but it's gone before I can define it.


One hand leaves the steering wheel for a second before he quickly puts it back on. I knew what he was going to do, and I'm a little grateful he stopped himself because I wasn't sure I could handle.

"It makes me feel useful. Taking care of you is top priority to me, Lee."

It's silent for the next few minutes.

"What about you're father?"

He stiffens and scratches his beard. "He never even leaves the house, just drowns himself in booze."

I raise my eyebrows. "That bad. I thought- I mean he never treated you're mother the way she deserved, so why-"

"Yeah, well apparently beating her half to death was him showing his love. Sometimes he wakes up in a daze and calls for her. I have to force him to take care of his personal hygiene and not to mention he blames me for her kidnapping."

"So, you didn't have to challenge him to the death. He just gave up the position?" I question.


"When we find our family, Caroline can't go back to him. She's been through enough misery in her life. We have to help her leave, Landyn."

"I know that, Lee. Right now, though, we need to find them first. Then we will figure something out."

"Okay," I whisper.

I reach over and turn on the stereo. Heavy metal bursts through the speakers, scaring me shitless. I quickly turn it down and look at Landyn.

He laughs at me. Amber eyes sparkling with amusement. "Sorry. I always forget to turn it down."

I shake my head and turn the dials, looking for a good station. I'll Be Seeing You by Billie Holiday came on and I leaned back enjoying her soft voice. It was an old song but amazing.

Landyn reached for the volume to turn it down and I slapped his hand. Sparks shooting up my arm and through my hand. My fingertips felt numb. Almost as if I'd been electrified. I had forgotten that feeling.

Landyn was looking at me but I kept my eyes forward.

"Don't turn down Billie Holiday."

He doesn't argue further.


Very short I know but the next chapter is coming either tomorrow or the next day.

I may have accidentally published this before it was finished but I didn't want to delete it and have to explain my idiocy so here you guys go.

We visit the witches next chapter. It will be a longer chapter I promise.

Vote and comment :)

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