Chapter 25.

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Draw Your Swords by Angus & Julia Stone

I really don't even realize when I leave you guys on cliff hangers, I'm sorry. Just call me the cliff hanger queen :)

There are no second chance mates in this story. You only get one. It sucks but think about it, if you had a mate and then you run into your second chance mate, that would be weird. I think it's kind of unfair to have a mate but also have a backup just in case the other dies or fucks up. No one wants to be the backup plan. I understand them though, I do. Everyone should get a second chance at love but there just aren't any in this story. Sorry :(



Dear LeeAna,

I miss you. I know I say that at the beginning of every letter but it's true. I miss you every day your not with me. But that isn't the point of this letter.

We were attacked today. I don't know how the witches snuck onto our pack lands, but they did. They didn't kill anyone but they did capture a lot of our warriors and fellow pack members. Laney Gates, Michael Rueman and your parents were some of those Lycans taken. I hope your reading these letters. I'm trying my best to get them back, baby girl. I know how much you love them and I'm trying.

I'm sorry. I can't seem to stop failing you. I just want to remind you that it wasn't me. That night, I blacked out completely. My beast was in total and complete control, LeeAna, I swear. It doesn't make this situation okay. I realize the pain I've put you through and will forever be in your debt. If your reading this than you should know I'm still going to counseling. I'm getting help and I'm better than the last time you saw me.

Come back to me, Lee. Please.

If you don't, I understand. Just know, I love you. You'll forever be my LeeAna.

                            Sincerely, your Lan

A sob breaks from me and I drop the letter. Why didn't he call me? This is important information and he didn't even call me, just wrote me a fucking letter. My family and friends have been imprisoned for almost three fucking years.

I rush to my door and swing it open. Stepping in front of 110, I pound on the door. No answer.

"Open the door, Landyn," I yell and bang on it again. The whole pack house could probably hear me but I didn't care. "Open the fucking door, beast."

The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. The door flew open and my eyes met a pair of glowing amber ones. I ignore them and shove past him into his room. The rooms are sound proof and I didn't want the whole pack hearing our conversation.

"You knew," I turn and point an accusing finger at him, "somewhere under that thick skull of yours, you knew I wouldn't read those letters."

He shut the door and slowly turned to me, eyes blazing and muscles bulging. It wasn't until then I realized he didn't have a shirt on. I was right, he's a lot bigger compared to 4 years ago. My eyes wandered his chest and landed on something that shocked me. On his left pectoral, where his heart rests... was my name. In beautiful cursive and a saying under it.

LeeAna May
My one and only

I'm frozen for a split second. He got my name written on his body, permanently. My eyes widen and meet his. He's just staring at me.

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