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Anna's POV
1st February 2021

I've been working for Dec for just over a year. I love it.

I don't see it as a job, I see it as playing with Theo all day.

"Morning." Dec comes downstairs with his bag on his shoulder and Theo on his hip.
"Good morning." I let myself in every morning with a key that Dec got cut for me awhile ago after I built trust.

"Hii." He says with grabby hands so I walk over and take Theo off him to put him in his high chair and feed him breakfast.
"Did you sleep well?" He nods and I kiss his temple.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I ask Dec but he's too busy on his phone to answer me or even acknowledge me.
"Huh?" I take a deep breath since I hate being ignored but since I can't do anything about it I decide to just leave it.
"Breakfast?" I hold out a plate and put on a smile.
"No thanks, I'll just get something on the way." Why is he in such a hurry?

"Could you stay later tonight? I'll pay you extra, it's just I have late training tonight so I won't be here to look after Theo." He seems hesitant telling me that he has late training which makes me think that he doesn't have late training but he just doesn't want me knowing where he is going tonight.
"Of course." I smile and pretend to believe him.

He walks over to Theo and kisses him goodbye.
"Goodbye buddy. Be good for Anna, ok?" He smiles at him which Theo doesn't hesitate to give back.
"Yes dada." He actually the cutest kid ever.

He starts to walk out without saying goodbye to me which is unusual but then rushes back to kitchen, which I'm assuming that he remembered and is coming back to say bye.

"Don't forget to put him down for his nap at 3." I'm stood there in shock as he turns around and leaves.
"Like I'd forget something I've done every day for the past year." I say in sarcasm and under my breath so Theo doesn't hear me.


It's currently 5pm and I hear Theo crying for me on the baby monitor app I have on my phone. He must have just woke up from his nap.

I get to his room and as I open the door, I see him jumping up and down in his cot excited to see me.

His room is under the sea themed since he's obsessed with the movie, Finding Nemo.

"Hello my precious boy." I pick him up and cuddle him. I know he isn't mine but the amount of time I spend with him it feels like he is.
"Hello mama." Wait did he call me mama?

He doesn't know that his mum died when she gave birth to him.

I sit in the rocking chair, and we have a cuddle like we used to when he was smaller.

I cradle him to my chest to protect him from anything. I don't want anything to happen to this little boy because even if I've only known him for a year, he already means the world to me and I would do anything to protect him. 

After cuddling for about half an hour, we get up and he decides that he wants to walk down the stairs himself because he's a big boy now.

We get downstairs and he runs to his toys but trips before he can get there.

I run to make sure he's ok, but before I can get to him he's already up and running to his toys again.

I still go up to him to make sure he's ok, and check him over.

"Are you ok buddy?" I need to make sure that he's ok because if he's not that's my fault.
"I'm ok." He smiles at me and goes back to playing with his toys.


At around 6pm I decide to start to make the dinner but since he's picky I ask him what he wants.

"TURKEY DINOSSSS!" He loves the turkey dinosaurs. I always make it fun for him so it's not boring for him.

Once everything is made and cooked, it's time to assemble everything.

I put the mash in the shape of a volcano and make a hole in the middle for the gravy that will pour out of it like lava from an actual volcano.

I put the turkey dinosaurs standing next to the volcano and some broccoli trees behind them.

He surprisingly likes broccoli unlike most kids and me.

I pour the gravy inside the mash volcano and wait till it overflows and runs down the side.

Theo is already in his high chair patiently waiting for his dinner.

As I put down his dinner in front of him, the biggest smile appears on his face.
"THANK YOU MAMA!!" There it is again, mama, I don't correct him though because I see him as my child.
"Your welcome bud." I kiss his forehead and put a bib around his neck so the gravy doesn't ruin his top.

When he's finished dinner, it's time to wind down so he doesn't have too much energy since he needs to sleep soon.

I take him upstairs and get him changed into his pyjamas.

Once he's changed we go back downstairs and have a cuddle on the sofa whilst he winds down.

I can see his eyes getting heavier and heavier. Once they are closed, I quietly get up and take him upstairs to his room.

I put him down in his cot and kiss his forehead. I put the baby monitor on so if he wakes up I'll know.


It's been about 2 hours since I put Theo to bed and I'm scrolling through Instagram.

I see a post from ENews which catches my eye.

It's a picture of Dec and someone else who look too close to just be friends.

I read the caption and I can't believe what I'm reading.


He said he had late training, but he's on a date. I'm absolutely fuming.

As if right on time, Dec comes in wearing his training kit.

"Hey!" He's so cheery but I'm not having it.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I'm not having him lie to me. If he told me, I wouldn't mind as much but it's the fact he lied to me.
"What do you mean?" I show him my phone and his face drops. "Let me explain."

"No, you don't get to explain yourself. YOU LIED TO ME!" I lower my voice so I don't wake Theo up because I'm not a horrible person. "If you told me, I wouldn't care but you fucking lied to me."

"I'll see you tomorrow." I get my things and walk out the house.

I really thought he was different from other boys.

a/n- mountsbby helped me with this chapter :)

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