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Anna's POV
4th February 2021

I wake up in a bed that I don't realise and a room that is foreign to me.

I lie here until memories of last night hit me like a tonne of bricks.

"When we got here we found her on the floor so we got the paramedics here and they confirmed that she passed away. I'm so sorry for loss."

A wave of sadness hits me but I'm still confused on where I am then I remember that Dec told me to live with him so I'm not alone.

"You can live here. I have plenty of room, I'll still pay you for your job so you buy things that you want but you can live here so your not alone, but only if you want to."

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Can I come in?" Dec says loud enough for me to hear but his voice is soft.
"Yeah." I don't say it loudly but he hears me since he comes in.

"How are feeling this morning?" He shows me a sympathetic smile and sits on the bed.

I let out a little laugh and shrug my shoulders. I don't know what to say so I don't say anything.

Dec stands up to move himself and he sat next me.

I look at him and smile with the little energy I do have.

"You'll be ok." He tells me whilst pulling me into side and we stay there for a couple of minutes before Theo waddles in and joins us.


I eat breakfast in the living room since I can't go into the kitchen yet since that is where I got the news.

Dec and Theo eat with me in the living room so I'm not lonely.

Once we are done with breakfast, Dec takes the plates into the kitchen and I expect him to say goodbye and leave for training but he doesn't.

Instead he sits back down with me and Theo and puts on a movie.

"Don't you have to go to training?" Dec looks at me and smiles.
"I'm not going today princess. I took the day off so I could relax with you and Theo and so I could also be there for you if realisation properly hits and your not ok enough to keep it together for Theo." He kisses my cheek nod look away as I feel my face start to heat up.
"Thank you." I rest my head on his shoulder.

He is so thoughtful and caring.


We have quite a relaxed day watching movies and playing with Theo.

It's time to put Theo down for his nap so I get up but Dec tells me to relax and that he'll take him upstairs.

When he comes back downstairs he brought me a blanket because I keep complaining about me being cold.

"Here you go beautiful." He places the blanket over me and tucks me into it.

"I'm sorry." Dec gives me a look full of confusion as he sits down.
"For complaining so much that you felt like you needed to get me a blanket."

"You didn't, you barely complained. You only said it twice I just thought whilst I was upstairs I would get you a blanket so your not cold." He kisses my forehead as I lay my head on his shoulder.

He puts on Lilo and Stitch and my face lights up with a smile as it's my favourite.

"I know it's your favourite." Dec says whilst kissing my forehead again which makes butterflies appear in my stomach.

When Theo wakes up from his nap, dec hears him on the baby monitor and starts to stand up to go and get him.

"I'll get him." I say whilst standing up and placing the blanket on Dec.

I go upstairs and as I walk into Theo's bedroom I see him jumping up and down on his bed.

"Mama!!" He lifts up his arms so I walk over and pick him up out of his bed.
"Hello my gorgeous boy," I kiss his cheek and his giggles. "Did you have a nice nap?"
"Yeahhh!" He rests his head on my shoulder, which I think is just the cutest things ever.

We go downstairs and Dec is smiling at his phone. When he realises that we've come down he looks at us and his smile grows.

"When did he start calling you mama?" Me and Theo sit next to Dec and Theo moves from my arms to his.

I don't know what to respond because I don't know if he will be mad or not.

"How did you know?"
"I heard and saw it on the baby monitor." Of course he did. "Now don't change the subject."

"Uhhh-" He makes me look at him but my eyes are in the floor.
"Look at me," something compels me to look at him and when I do he's smiling. "I'm not mad, I'm just wondering."

"A few days ago, I- I- was going to tell you but then things happened and I didn't." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"It's fine, princess."


When it's time for Theo to go to bed, I decide to also go up and relax in bed.

I don't think it's actually hit me that my mums not with me anymore but when I get my things from the house it probably will.

Dec tucks Theo into bed and kisses him goodnight.

When he's done I also kiss Theo goodnight since it's what I do when I put him down for his naps so I don't think Dec will mind.

When I look back at Dec, he has a massive smile on his face.

We walk out his room and Dec is still looking at me and smiling which is nice but it isn't normal.

"What?" I giggle and that makes Dec smile grow even more to the point that if he smiles even a little more he will look like the Cheshire Cat.

"Nothing." He goes to walk off but not before I stop him and when I do he turns back around. "I just didn't know that you missed Theo goodnight."

Shit. Is he mad?

"Oh yeah. I- I- Is that ok?"
"Of course it is." He takes a step closer to me and lifts my head up with his hands.

He doesn't say anything he just looks at me and eventually kisses my forehead.

I smile at him and turn to my bedroom.

"Thank you for everything today, it means a lot to me." I smile at him as he responds.

"Goodnight darling."

Him calling me that nickname gives me butterflies.

I love it.

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