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Anna's POV
23rd February 2021

Dec puts the phone down as I sigh.

I don't know what to do, I hate arguing and once again me and Dec are in an argument except this time I can't go home since I live here.

I watch TV and clean up whilst Theo is down for his nap.


Its been half an hour since I put Theo down for his nap and I'm watching TV and scrolling through instagram.

"Hi mama." I hear Theo say whilst I see him waddle into the room.

"Hi buddy." I guess Theo wasn't that tired.

Then it clicks. How is Theo here if he has a cot and can't get out?

"How did you get out trouble?" I pick him and blow on his belly.

The sound of his laughs fill the room.

"I'm a monkey, I climbed out." I knew this was going to happen eventually but I didn't know it was going to happen this soon.

"Well then, it looks like we need to get you your first big boy bed." I smile and stand up to get Theo ready to go out.


Me and Theo get into the car and I drive to ikea.

Once we're there I get a trolley and put Theo in it because he doesn't want to walk around.

It takes awhile to find the section with the beds but when we do Theo's face lights up.

"Can I get out now mama?" He looks at me with a massive smile.

"Yeah of course you can." I take him out of the trolley and he runs off and goes to a bed.

He stands up on the bed and starts to jump up and down.

"Buddy, can you get off your not aloud to jump on the beds." I stops jumping and gets off.

"Sorry mummy." I smile as walks over and hugs me.

"It's ok Theo."

We look at all the bed and I ask him which is his favourite.

"This one!" He runs over to a mid high sleeper that has a slide on it.

"Ok, but you've got to promise me that you'll sleep at night, ok?" He jumps up and down with excitement.

"I will mama, I promise!" I put a bed on the trolley and he won't stop jumping up and down.


I'm building his bed when I hear the door open and close.

"Anna, where are you?" I hear Dec shout through the house and I become nervous about our argument.

"I'm in Theo's room." I shout downstairs as I hear Dec run up the stairs.

"What are you doing?" He walks in and Theo walks over to him who was playing in the corner of his room.

"I'm building Theo's big boy bed." I don't turn around, I just keep on building it because I don't want to see decs face incase he's annoyed.

"Anna, can we talk?" I sigh and stand up to follow Dec into the hallway.

"What's up? I was on a roll making th-" I get cut off by Dec kissing me. 

"I'm sorry, I should've listened to you about Theo's naps. You've been with him since he was 8 months old, you know what's best for him. I'm sorry." He kisses me again.

"It's not your fault, I stepped over a line and I shouldn't have." He shakes his head and strokes my cheek.

"It's not your fault, don't apologise." I smile at him and Theo comes out the room.

"Daddyyy!!" Dec turns around and picks him up and attacks his face with kisses. "We'll continue this later." He mouths to me and goes downstairs with Theo.


I finish building Theo's bed and go downstairs to fine Dec and Theo playing on the living room floor.

When I walk in Theo starts to giggle as I pull a funny face.

I walk over to him and pick him up. I start to spin him around and kiss his cheeks.

"I'm done building your big boy bed, you wanna see it?" I stop spinning him and he starts to nod his head with excitement.

I take him upstairs and Dec follows me to see the bed that he wanted.

I put him down as we go into his room and he runs in and goes straight up the stairs and down the slide.

"Thank you." Dec whispers in my ear behind me which startles me as I wasn't expecting it.

"It's fine, it makes him happy so I'm happy to." I turn around and Decs arms wrap around me. "Plus he climbed out of his cot, like over the side."

Dec laughs and walks over to Theo.

"Do you like your new bed?" He asks and Theo nods his head vigorously. "Tell mama thank you."

Theo slides down the slide and runs over to me.

"Thank you mummy." He hugs my legs as I pick him up and walk over to Dec.

Dec tickles him and he kicks his legs around.

I put him down and Theo goes down his slide over and over again.

"I've never known a kid with so much energy." I laugh and lean on Dec.


Me and Dec are lying in bed after putting Theo in bed which took awhile because all he wants to do is go down his slide.

"What do you wanna do tomorrow? I have the day off." He doesn't know that it's my birthday.

"Ummm it's kinda my birthday tomorrow so I was wondering if we just relax." I feel Decs head move as he looks at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm telling you right now, it's got to count for something." He sighs and rests his head.

"Well yeah but I don't have any time to get you a present." Now it's my turn to look at him.

I roll onto my stomach and rest my hands in his chest.

"Your not getting me anything and anyways," I sigh and rest my head on his chest, "I barely acknowledge my own birthday because I don't really like it."

Dec doesn't say anything after that but I look at him and he'a lost in thought.

He better not be planning something for tomorrow.

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