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Dec's POV
24th February 2021

I wake up in Theo's bed as he came into our room in the middle of the night as he didn't want to sleep in it by himself in case the monsters will appear under his new bed.

I slowly get out of his bed, careful not to wake him and check on Anna aka the birthday girl.

She's sat up in bed on her phone.

She's beautiful.

"Morning." I walk over and sit on the bed next her.

"Morning," her smile lightens up every room. "Where have you been?"

"Theo did want to sleep in his bed alone because of the monsters." I laugh and shake my head. "He said and I quote 'My cot had protection from them so I was ok' which just made me laugh."

"Sounds like our boy." She laughs and when she realises what she said, her face drops and she starts to apologise. "Sorry I didn't mean it like tha-"

I cut her off to stop her from rambling on when she had nothing to be sorry about.

"Stop apologising, he is our boy. He thinks of you as his mum and so do I." She smiles and I can't help myself and I kiss her.


I took the day off today so I could be with Anna on her birthday but first I need to get her present because she only told me it was her birthday yesterday.

"Don't you have to get going soon?" She gestures to my pyjamas that I'm still wearing.

"No, I took the day for your birthday." I smirk and she looks at me in shock.

"It's mama birfday?!" Theo asks suddenly very excited.

"Yeah it is buddy!" I say just as excited at him.

"Yayyy!!!" Theo runs around the living room in excitement whilst me and Anna laugh.


Me and Theo are in Tesco to get Anna's present and Theo told me he wanted to pick out her cake.

We told her that we are getting Pringles so we also need to get some Pringles so she doesn't suspect everything.

I've also planned a little party for a few people to come over so I need to get her out the house while I set it but I have no idea how yet.

We get her some flowers, a box of chocolate and a voucher for pretty little thing because she keeps complaining about needing some new clothes.

Theo picked out a card for her which says 'Happy Birthday to the best mummy ever', it makes my heart warm that he picked it out himself and he has a mum after his died when she gave birth to him.

We are in the cake isle and Theo gets very excited when he sees a finding nemo cake.

"Daddy, can we get this one? Pleaseee." I can never say no to his face.

"Of course buddy." I help him put it in the trolley and he jumps up and down in excitement. "But you can't tell mummy that we got it ok? It's a surprise."

He puts his finger 0ver his lips and makes a 'shush' sound.

He is honestly the cutest.


We get home and I send theo in to distract her so I can creep into the spare room upstairs and hide the presents and decorations for her party.

I go back downstairs as quietly and quickly as possible so she doesn't suspect anything.

I have the Pringles in my hand so the cover for my story works.

"Hey." She says when she sees me and a massive smile appears on her face.

"Hi." I smile and walk over to her, I place the Pringles on the counter and hug her. "Theo really wants to take him to the park. Is that ok?"

"Of course it is. I'll get his coat." She walks off with a smile on her face and a jump in her step.

Theo is running around with excitement since he loves the park.

It's his favourite place ever.

Whilst they are at the park, I'm going to set the party up and people will get here.

I only invited a few people because I know what Anna is like with new people and people in general.


Everyone is here and Anna and Theo will be back soon.

I'm quite nervous but I take a deep breath.

I hear Theo's giggles outside and tell everyone to get ready.

The door opens and when she sees the banners and everyone here she stands there in shock.

"What's all this?" She asks with a surprised look on her face.

I walk over to her and help her and Theo out of there coats.

"Well, it's your birthday and I wanted to do something because you deserve it." I stand behind her as she relaxes in my arms.

"Thank you." She turns around and I kiss her even though I know I shouldn't.

Everyone introduces themselves and we all relax in the living room.

Anna is very quiet which was expected but I want her to be happy and relaxed and not anxious.

"Relax love." I whisper in her ear and she does. She sits back and rests her head on my shoulder.

"So, how long have you been together?" Mason asks and when he does I feel Anna tense up.

"We- we're not t- tog- together." She stutters and I run my fingers up and down her arm to calm her.

"Oh, ok." Mason smiles and leans back.

I tap Anna on the shoulder and gesture for her to follow me into the kitchen.

"Are you ok?" She smiles and hugs me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just threw off. I didn't mean to sound rude or anything." I smile and kiss her forehead.

"You didn't." We go into the living room as Theo runs up to Anna.

"Mummyyyy!!" Everyone looks shocked when Theo calls Anna mummy.

She picks him up and sits back where we were sat before and cuddles him.

"Are you tired baby boy?" She kisses his forehead as he nods.

"Goodnight dada." He says sleepily whilst I kiss the top of his head.

"Goodnight buddy."

"I'm going to put him in bed and then I'll be back." She walks out with a very tired Theo on her hip.

"Ok." I nod my head and start talking to the boys.


Me and Anna are chilling in bed after everyone left and she relaxes in my arms.

"How are you feeling?" I kiss her forehead as she cuddles into my chest.

"What do you mean?" She looks at me confused.

"This is your first birthday without your mum and I wasn't sure if you'd be ok." I rest my head on hers so she has comfort.

"I thought I wouldn't be ok but you've this one of the best birthday's ever." I smile to myself.

"Be mine?" She looks at me with a shocked look but also happy.

"Wait what?"

"Be mine? Please." She doesn't say anything else but she kisses me and laughs.

"I take that as a yes?" I laugh as she replies.

"Yeah!" I kiss her and I get a warm feeling in my chest.

She rests her head on my chest as I stroke her hair as I feel her falling asleep on me.

"Goodnight love."

I'm going to marry this girl.

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