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Anna's POV
12th December 2021

Our baby girl is 2 days old and she still doesn't have a name.

I haven't see Theo for the 2 days and I miss him so much.

Dec has slept over once and the other time he went home to be with Theo.

Dec takes him to school, checks on my shop and then comes to the hospital.

His mum had Theo after school on Friday and has had him all weekend.

"Morning." Dec says as he walks through the door.

"Morning." I'm currently breastfeeding our baby and when Dec realises he turns around. "What are you doing?" I chuckle as he turns back around to face me but his eyes are closed.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were feeding her." I laugh as he stumbles across the room and tries to find the chair with his eyes closed.

"It's fine my love, it's nothing you've never seen before." I laugh as he realises I'm right and opens his eyes again.

"Oh yeah." He chuckles as I shake my head and the baby stops eating.

"We still need to name her." I say to Dec as comes over and kisses me and then kisses our baby on her head which is full of brown hair.

"I know we do." He laughs and calls his mum to ask when Theo is coming.


Theo is going to be here any minute and I can't wait to see him.

The baby is asleep in her bed which is in between the bed and chair where Dec is sitting.

Her hand is wrapped around my finger and she is adamant to not let go.

A few minutes later there's a knock at the door and my head whips around to see that its Theo.

"Hey mummy!" He jumps on the top of the bed and hugs me.

"Hello." I hold him and don't let go for awhile. "I've missed you so much!" I kiss his cheek as he sits next to me.

"Me too." He hugs me again and I lean my head on top of his before letting go.

The baby starts to cry and lets go of my finger.

"I have her." Dec says before getting out of her bed and holds her close to his chest and starts to bounce her up and down to calm her down.

Theo tells me about his day at school on Friday as Dec calms the baby down.

We genuinely need a name for her.

I love hearing about Theo's day at school because I'd means that he enjoys himself and that he likes it which is important to me.

Once Dec calms her down, he looks at me and nods indicating she's ok for Theo to meet her.

"Theo, do you want to meet your baby sister?" His face lights up as he starts to jump up and down on the bed.

"Yeah!" He's so excited which I find adorable because I would probably be annoyed if I found out I had a baby sister and I was a boy since I would want a boy so we could play the same games.

That could just be me though.

"Sit here but you have to calm down if you want to hold her." I pat next to me in the bed as he moves next to me and sits down.

Dec walks over to us and places the baby in his arms.

My arms are wrapped around his supporting him so he doesn't drop her and also supports her head.

"What's her name?" Theo asks as me and Dec look at each other.

"She doesn't have one yet." Theo giggles and looks at her in awe.

"Then what am I meant to call her?" He looks at Dec who looks at me for a response.

"Call her baby sis for now. She'll have a name the next time you see her, I promise." He looks at me, nods his head and starts to stare at the baby again.


Dec's mum came back for Theo and left again.

"I don't think your mum likes me very much." I look at Dec whilst he's having a cuddle with our girl.

"What do you mean?" He looks at me confused.

"Shes never really spoke to me before and I don't know she just doesn't give me the vibe that she likes me that much." He sits next to me and hands me our baby.

"Well I don't care, I love you with everything in me and what my mum thinks of you doesn't matter to me." He kisses me and the perfect name for her pop into my head.

"I've got it!" Dec looks at me and wonders what I mean.

"What have you got?" I laugh and shake my head at how oblivious he his.

"Her name!" He looks surprised as chuckles.

"What is it?" He looks at me and smiles.

"Payton." He looks at me and then looks at her.

"Payton Emma Rice." We decided her middle name would be Emma, in memory of my mum, before she was born if she was a girl.

"I can't believe she got your last name before me." I throw my head back in annoyance but what Dec says after that makes my head whip up.

"Marry me?"

"Wait really?!" He nods his head and gets a ring out his pocket. "Yes! Of course!" I kiss him and giggle.

Payton makes a cute baby sound in agreement.

"Is that ok with you?" I boop her nose as she makes the same sound again.

"How long have you had the ring?" I stare at the rock which is now on my left hand ring finger.

"6 months. I've been waiting for the right moment." I giggle and shake my head.

"I love you." He kisses me and then kisses Payton.

I can't believe I'm engaged to the love of my life.

DAY ONE [declan rice]Where stories live. Discover now