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Anna's POV
1st April 2021

Today is the I dread all year.

April fools day.

I've not experienced one with Dec yet but if they are anything like when I kid I'm not going to like it.

I've never been one to like jump-scares and pranks because I'm very gullible so I believe anything you tell me in a serious tone.

My sickness has been much better since my doctors appointment that Dec took me too.

The doctor prescribed me some anti-sickness medicine that won't hurt the baby in any way as it was made for pregnant women.

I'm only allowed to take it up to 12 weeks pregnant which is when my second trimester starts.

He said if the sickness continues into the second trimester then I go back as then there may be something wrong but also not to worry if it does as it happens a lot and sometimes it's not to worry about.

I have a feeling that Dec is planning a prank because he's been very secretive for a few days and it's safe to say that I don't like it.

"Hey. I'm going to the shop, do you want anything?" I think about it for awhile.

"No thank you." He's probably gets my prank ready.

I internally roll my eyes.

"Are you sure? Your not craving anything?" He raises his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Ok then, I have my phone for when you change your mind." He walks over to where I'm sat on the couch and leans down to kiss me goodbye.

Dec's POV

Anna is going to kill me when she finds out that I'm pranking her.

I did need to go out to get some things so I saw it as the perfect opportunity to prank her.

My phone is on loud so when she calls or messages about her cravings I'll see it and won't go home empty handed and her killed by a pregnant lady.

My phone pings and I chuckle and look at it.

My love❤️: Can you get me some krispy kreme donuts?🥺

Me: Of course I can xx

Little does she know she just gave me the perfect opportunity to prank her.


I come out of the krispy kreme drive thru and park up so I can set up her prank.

I went to Tesco before and got some vegetables that I know she hates and replace some of the donuts but not all because frankly I want to live to see the birth of our baby.

I go home and as I pull into the drive way, I begin to feel nervous but take a deep breath and take the 'donuts' into the house.

"Anna, your donuts are here!" I shout through the house as I don't know where she is.

I hear her run down the stairs and into the kitchen following me.

"Yayyyy! Thank you Dec." She kisses my cheek and opens the box.

Her face drops in disgust and throws the vegetables at me.

"April fools!" I shout and she starts to cry.

Shit. What have I done?

"I just wanted donuts." Her tears fall down her face very quickly and she sighs.

"There's still some in there and I have the rest in the car." I hug her and instantly feel bad about the prank but it was kind of funny.

"WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LEAVE MY DONUTS ALONE!" She shouts at me and runs upstairs to probably sit in our bed.

I decide to leave her alone so I don't anger her any more.


I take the vegetables out the box and make sure there's not traces of them.

I get the rest of the donuts out of my car and put them back in the box like they were never touched.

Theo walks into the kitchen and does his grabby hands to me so I pick him up as he cuddles into my chest.


It's been half an hour since Anna ran upstairs in anger so I decide to risk it as she would've calmed down a little.

I put her favourite donut on a plate and take it up with a glass of apple juice as it's her favourite.

I go upstairs and go to our room.

I knock on the door and I hear her murmur a 'come in' so that's what I do.

I shut the door a little behind me but not all the way in case Theo needs something.

"Thanks." She whispers as I place the donut and apple juice next to her on her bedside table and sit next to her.

"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time which makes me whip my head to look at her.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that pulled the prank." I stroke her hair as she picks up the Apple juice and starts to drink it.

"Because I shouted at you and I shouldn't have done that. It's just all these stupid hormones that I can't control." I kiss the side of head before she leans her head into my chest.

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault. It's my fault because I'm the one that made you pregnant and pulled the prank." We both laugh at what I said and she puts her apple juice back and gets the donut.

"All the donuts are back in the proper box where they are meant to be." She smiles as I lean my head back.

"Thank you for bringing my favourite up." I smile and think about what I'd do without her.

God, I hope nothing ever happens to this girl.

I love her so much.

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