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Anna's POV
10th June 2021

We've been here 10 days and the days are getting very repetitive.

There's nothing much I can do here.

Me and Dec keep getting into little arguments, that aren't even arguments, it's more like bickering.

The little arguments are about stupid things like going out for dinner or going somewhere different for a change so that me and Theo aren't stuck in one room.

We haven't bickered for the past few days though which is a good sign.

Dec leaves the room for training at around 8:30am every morning even though it doesn't start until 9am because he likes to be there early.

I woke up a little later than usual today so I have seen him all morning.

Me and Theo are on a walk exploring different places we haven't seen yet but making sure we don't run into Dec because if we do then he will probably start an argument about it.

I see them training in the distance and I try to turn around but it's too late as Dec as already send us and he's already walking over.

Mason knows what's happening so he also comes over and takes Theo away so he doesn't hear.

"What are you doing?" I roll my eyes and sigh.

"We were talking a walk." The bickering is getting very repetitive and annoying to be completely honest.

"Why?" He shakes his head and I scoff at him.

"Because we can't stay in the same room all day. What else do you want us to do?" I laugh and walk over to where Mason took Theo to get away from Dec because I really can't be bothered.

"You can't just walk away." He says but it's too late, I'm already walking off with Theo in my arms.


Me and Theo are playing in the room when Dec walks in.

"I can't be bothered arguing with you." I tell him but I don't look at him.

"Ok but we're not arguing." I whip my head around and look at him.

"What do you call this then?" I ask him as I stand up but I need help from the bed behind me.

I run my bump protectively whilst Dec thinks of a response.

"I don't know actually." I laugh and sit on the bed.

"I'm so bored of whatever it is." He sits next to me and starts to rub my stomach.

"I'm sorry, I'm just getting stressed about the euros starting." He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"It's ok." I kiss him and continue playing with Theo and Dec joins us.


"Do you want to go somewhere different for dinner tonight?" Dec asks whilst we are getting ready for dinner.

"Wait, really?!" I've wanted a change for a few days because I was getting sick of the same thing.

"Yeah, it's my treat." I run to him and hug him.

He stumbles back as I hug from from the impact.

Theo walks over to us and hugs our legs.

We laugh as Dec picks him up and we have a family hug. I can't wait to have a family hug with the new baby.

We go out and Dec told me to where something smart but didn't tell me where we are going.

Dec gets Mason to drop up off at the mystery location so I put Dec in the back.

Theo is staying with Mason as Dec said "We're due a date night."

Mason pulls up at a really fancy restaurant and I shake my head.

Dec gets out of the car and walks to the door and gets me out.

I thank Mason and get out of the car holding Dec's hand and the my other hand on my belly.

"You said it wouldn't be expensive." I whisper to Dec whilst the waiter leads us to our table.

"I never said that," he smirks as I shake my head. "I said, 'Don't worry about the price its on me.'"


We just got back from dinner and I'm full to the brim.

We walk into the room, laughing when my phone notification goes off, cutting me off.

I look at my phone and its message from someone on Instagram.

I open it and my stomach drops.

Its a picture of Dec kissing a blonde girl and immediately know it isn't me since my hair is brown.

I can't believe after everything I've been through this is how he treats me.

I stand up and walk out the room.

Before I leave I hear dad say, "Where are you going?"

Tears start to fall down my face as I make my way to Mason's room.

I can't really do anywhere else.

I knock on the door and Mason answers a few seconds later.

When he sees the tears falling down my face, he doesn't ask why I'm crying he just moves to the side and lets me in.

I see Theo playing with his toys and quickly wipe my tears away so he doesn't see me.

"Mama!" He says when he sees me. He does his grabby hands so I walk over and pick him up.

"Did you have a good time with Uncle Masey?" You can hear the shake in my voice but I try to hide it from Theo.

"Yeah!" I smile but it soon disappears when I think about what this will do to Theo.

"Come on buddy, I'll take you back." Mason says whilst getting Theo off me.

"Is mama not coming?" I don't want to lie to him but I'm going to have to.

"No right now, I need to speak with Uncle Mason but I'll be back later." I smile and Mason walks out the door with Theo in his arms.

A few minutes later Mason comes back and I break down.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. What's up?" He kneels in front of me as I sit down holding my belly.

I don't say anything, I just show him my phone and he looks at the picture.

'That's not like Dec,' is all he can say. 

I laugh and shake my head.

"I didn't either but I guess you never know what people are capable of."

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