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Dec's POV
13th September 2021

I message Anna to see if she's ok but she doesn't respond or even see the messages.

"Ok, I'll give her half an hour to respond." I mutter to myself before taking a deep breath.

A half an hour passes and I've not heard for Anna so I start to worry.

I call her but there's no response.

I rush over to the manager and ask him if I can leave early.

He lets me go as I explained the situation and he also knows that she's 29 weeks pregnant.

I send a message to Anna before leaving training and going home.

Me: Anna, I'm coming home.

I drive home and check my phone as I pull into the drive and see a message from Anna.

I go in worried as she didn't message me back or answer the call.

"Love? Where are you?" I rush around downstairs and don't find her anywhere.

I run upstairs and trip on Theo's dinosaur that is on the stairs.

I pick it up and throw it in room before going to our room.

I find her crying on the bed with all of her clothes thrown out of her wardrobe and onto the floor.

She's wearing my shirt and she looks so sexy.

Declan! Focus!

I shake my head and sit on the bed next to her and help her sit up.

"What's wrong? And what happened?" I look around the room and take in all the mess.

She starts to cry again so I kiss all her tears away.

"Nothing fits me. I'm too fat!" She cries into my chest as I hold her.

"No your not. Don't say that because I love your body." She lets go so I lean down as press a kiss against her belly, she giggles and sniffles.

She looks at me and smiles as I tuck her hair behind her ears.

"How about this?" I sigh and keep her on edge for a little bit before continuing. "How about I take you to get some new clothes?"

She smiles and vigorously nods her head and then suddenly stops.

"What do I wear though?"

"What you are wearing now love, no need to change. Come on." I say whilst I gently grab her hand and pull her along.

As we are driving to the mall I see a shop on the corner of one of the streets and see that it's for sale.

An idea pops into my head so I pull over and write down the number of the seller.

"What are you doing?" Anna looks confused but also curious.

"Nothing, doesn't matter." I lean over and kiss her to reassure her.


We've been walking around the shops for 3 hours, it was almost time to pick Theo up from nursery.

We've been into 4 shops and she has been very hesitant on buying the clothes.

"My love, look at me." She stops in the middle of the mall and looks at me.

"You need to stop being hesitant with what your getting. I want to be carry so many bags that I think my arms are gonna fall off." She nods her head and giggles.

Anna listens to me and starts to get everything she likes.


We took another half an hour and she gets double what she already got in 3 hours.

I am now waiting at the gates for Theo to come out.

Anna is waiting in the car as she is very tired from all the walking about.

Kids start to trickle out when I see Theo's face brighten up when he sees me.

He points to us and the teacher nods as Theo runs towards me.

I crouch down and hug him as he reaches to me.

"Did you have a good day?" I ask whilst I pick him up and take him to the car.

"Yeah! I had so much fun!" I open the car door and buckle him in.

"Hi mama." He says when he sees Anna sat in the front.

"Hello baby boy." Her saying that winds him up and it funny.

"I'm not a baby anymore!" He says which makes me and Anna both laugh.

I walk round to other side of the car and get in.

"Well your still my baby and always will be." Anna says before I start the car and drive us home.

When we get home Theo tells us all about his day.

He goes upstairs and plays with his toys when Anna says something that shocks me.

"I think I'm going to start looking for a new job for when I'm not pregnant."

"Wait why?" I shake my head in disbelief.

"Well because Theo's in school and he's settled in, has friends, I don't want to be sat at home doing nothing for rest of my life." I sigh and look at her.

I understand what she means but I have an idea but she can't have a job for my idea.

"Please you can't leave now, it will break Theo." She chuckles and shakes her head

"I'm not leaving I'll still live here I'll just have another job." I place my hand on her stomach and start to rub it to relax her and the baby.

"I know but can you just wait a few days before looking." I don't want her looking for a job when I have a surprise set up for her.

"Ok? But why?" She's always so curious.

"No reason."

I walk out the room, being mysterious, and don't let her ask anymore questions.

I have the best surprise set up for my girl.

DAY ONE [declan rice]Where stories live. Discover now