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welcome to the second book of the young avenger series. If you haven't read the first one..... I suggest you read that one first, then come back to this one later!

Anyways..... I would just like to say that this book is kinda inspired by spiderman no way home..... and I KNOW my last book took place during age of ultron and no way home doesn't come right after that, but I'm doing this my way lol.

ALSOOOOO I gave Y/N and ACTUAL name..... so now she's more of an original character. I'm honestly way too lazy to go back and edit every chapter of my last book though..... so let's just pretend that her name has been "Maddison" the whole time.

I have a feeling this one's gonna be the best book out of the series. And the longest. So buckle up.😂

Okay anyways..... let's get started. Enjoy the young avengers: breaking the multiverse.

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