13. the man from the bridge

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☆★☆★→ the man from the bridge ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER THIRTEEN☆★☆★→ the man from the bridge ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: language, mentions of violence.


Only a couple hours had passed since the group arrived at the sanctum samctorum, and they came up with a plan fairly quick.

Although sometimes that isn't technically a good thing.

Ned was was in the undercroft along with the rest of the girls, while Peter and Pietro both agreed to go out on a hunt for the flying green elf Peter saw after seeing an article of him on the news. Or looking for any other strange visitors from other universes.

Actually correction— agreed isn't the right word to use considering Pietro had to bag his friend to let him tag along.

"But you need someone to watch your back! What if there's lots of them! They can gang up on you." Pietro defended his reasoning of wanting to go.

Yelena shook her head before speaking up. "No he has his Peter tingle." She pointed out, earning a cringe from Peter and a smirk from Maddison.

She knew he hates that phrase.

"Dude just stay here and make sure everything's good and safe." Peter said quietly, but everyone still heard him anyways.

Kate crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sorry, are we ladies not able to protect ourselves?" She questioned, pointing to her friends around her.

Ned raised a hand. "Uhm... I'm a bo— i mean—a man." He corrected her.

She looked over to him. "Right. Sorry ned." She apologized, earning a bright smile from the boy.

"Did you forget that I can move things with my mind?" Wanda mentioned, using her powers to make red energy dance around her fingers.

"Or that Yelenas a fully trained assassin." Maddison also mentioned, earning a high five from Yelena beside her.

"Or that kamala can make her fists go all crazy huge?" Kate finally stated.

Kamala smiled and nodded her head. "Hell yeah I can!" She pumped her fist in the air, using her powers to make it glow.

Peter was growing annoyed.

They were wasting time right now.

He groaned quickly in frustration. "Okay! I get it. You are all very capable of protecting yourselves and don't need Pietro." He stated, taking back his previous sentence.

That earned a smile from Pietro. "So it's settled! Let's go!" He said before using his powers to race out the door, earning another groan from Peter before he finally decided to follow out.

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