6. not so perfect

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☆★☆★→ not so perfect ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER SIX☆★☆★→ not so perfect ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 2.3K
Warnings: language, mentions of violence



That's how many times Kate has screamed directly into Maddison's ear, nearly causing the girl to go deaf on the left side.

"Holy shit Maddie slow down!" She screamed once again.

Make that eight.

Maddison was currently using her powers to fly her and Kate, Wanda was flying herself and Yelena, and Peter was swinging him and Pietro as they all headed to the roof where they were supposed to meet
Ms. Marvel.

Wanda and Yelena were the firsts to land gently on the middle of the roof, then the girls, then the guys.

"That was so cool." Yelena said with a chuckle.

Kate most definitely didn't agree.

"That was the worst thing I've ever experienced.... We're never doing that again." Kate said with a wave of the hand, and placed the other on her hip.

Maddison squinted her eyes at her friend. "How do you expect to get down Kate?" She questioned.

Kate just groaned.

Peter pulled his phone out of the pocket of his suit to check the time.


"Alright she should be here soon.... I told her sev—"
Peter began to say, but the group of young heros heard a strange sound in the distance. Peter noticed all five of his friends attention were on something behind him, so he finally spun around to see what they were staring at.

"Sup avengers." Ms marvel said, standing on one of her glowing platforms.

Peter shook his head and stared at the ground. "Not avengers." He reminded her.

Maddison let out an unamsused laugh. "Considering we're the ones tracking dow the vulture, I'd say we're more avengers then the real avengers right now." She snarked.

"Not to mention we're awesome." Yelena added.

Kamala lifted her hand and pointed over at the two girls. "See? They get it." She pointed out as they partially sided with her.

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