12. team work

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☆★☆★→ team work ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER TWELVE☆★☆★→ team work ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 3.9K
Warnings: language


A thousand questioned flew around Maddison's head right now. She couldn't even make out where she was due to the darkness of the new room she was in, but her heart immediately started racing at the thought that she could be anywhere right now.

But luckily, she wasn't alone.

"Maddie?" She heard Peter call out nervously into the room, his voice instantly calming her nerves.

"Peter? Where are— AHH!" She screamed, bumping straight into Peter, freaking her out a little, but calming down realizing it was just him.

"Okay what the hell is going—"

The girl and Peter both let out a startled yell as a creature beside them roared loudly, causing them to stumble back, Maddison nearly tripping over Peter in the process.

They stumbled back and let out another startled yell as another figure behind them started banging. Each of them turned around to see dock ock on the inside of what looked almost like a cell, banging on an invisible barrier.

"Oh my— AHHH!" The girl yelled for a fourth time, as she felt a hand on her shoulder, and stumbled pack into Peter, and he instantly recognized the man.

"Be careful what you wish for parker."

Maddison stared to the man, confused to how Peter knew him.

But at soon as she took a look at his unusual outfit, she easily pieced together the puzzle.

"Dr Strange?" She questioned, even though she's pretty sure she knew the answer.

Her question was answered by peters next words. "Strange what is going on?" Peter asked, completely freaked out by the entire situation.

Maddison jumped in fright again, getting startled by dock ock once again pounding his fists on the barrier, blocking him from escaping.

"That little spell that you botched where you wanted everyone to forget that you're Spider-Man and forget that your friends are super hero's, it started pulling in everyone who knows Peter Parker's Spider-Man from every universe— into this one." The wizard explained.

Maddison's eyes widened.

"You what?"

How ever, Peter was distracted with something else dr strange just mentioned. "From every universe?" The boy questioned.

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