4. sneaky spider

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☆★☆★→ sneaky spider ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER FOUR☆★☆★→ sneaky spider ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 2.8K
Warnings: language, mentions of blood and violence


Kamala sat on the roof of circle Q along with her best friend bruno as she told him about her experience she had with the bad guys and the group of heros who she met at the mall earlier.

"Kamala, anyone can claim to be the avengers..... it probably wasn't them." Bruno told his friend.

"You're ruining my joy of saving the day with super hero's." The girl whined, and rested her head back and stared up at the night sky.

"Sorry but there's no way it was them. You said they sounded young.... kids aren't avengers." He informed her.

But Kamala was convinced otherwise.

She put her head back down and tilted it to look at Bruno. "I can't wait till I become an avenger and can rub it in your face for the rest of my life." She said with a proud smirk.

"Your good enough as you are. I don't get why your so determined on being an avenger..... just be Kamala." He said, and stared at her.

But before Kamala could say anything back to his comment, they both heard a loud noise.

"What was that?" Bruno asked. Him and Kamala both started looking around the area to see if they could see anything.

But then, the loud noise struck again.

Kamala stood up from her seat on the roof, and could see a big blast of purple energy blow up in the air from a couple blocks away. She looked down at bruno who was already sitting there with her mask in his hand, ready to give to her.

"Go save the day Ms Marvel." He said to her with a smile before she grabbed her mask from his hand, and used her powers to make platforms in the air to run on.

"I'll call you later!" She yelled over her shoulder before continuing to run to the chaos that was near.


Peter was in the middle of swinging around the city, looking for any crime that might be related to the vulture and his crew, until he saw just what he was looking for.

Just around the corner he saw a gigantic blast of energy blow up, so he started swinging straight towards it.

He landed on top of a roof close by, and looked over the edge to see four guys looking through the back of a van in the alley way below him.

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