5. confession time

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☆★☆★→ confession time ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER FIVE☆★☆★→ confession time ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 2K
Warnings: none


Peter was wide awake. Just like he had been for the past 26 hours.

Instead of the teenager going to sleep after coming home last night from his encounter with the vulture, he decided to stay up all night long and play video games with ned.

That is, until Maddison came in of course.

She walked down the hall and stopped in the frame of the open door to his bed room. "Peter it's seven in the morning on a saterday." She whined with her raspy morning voice as she tiredly rubbed her eyes.

"I'm almost done.... Just two more levels." He said without looking away from the tv, and continuing to listen to Ned's voice on the other end of the headset.

Maddison took a second and looked around the room and saw that his bed was already neatly made.

She turned her gaze back over to the boy. "Did you even sleep?" She questioned.

However, he was too focused to even listen.

"Alright that's it...." Maddison said to herself before walking over to Peters tv.

Peter instantly knew what she was about to do. "No no no no...." He repeated right before she reached behind it and pulled the ps4 cable out from the back of it, ruining peters game.

He let out a groan in defeat, and Maddison walked away from the tv.

"How long have you been up?"

Peter shrugged his shoulders. "Not that long." He casually lied.

How ever, the energy drinks that she saw spread around his room said other wise.

"Peter.... How long have you been up?" she asked him once again.

He went to open his mouth, but she interrupted him before he had the chance to speak.

"And don't lie to me again." She warned.


That word made him fill with guilt.

He reached for the headset on his head and took it off. "I didn't sleep." He mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear.

She took a deep breath, and exhaled. "You can't stay up all night to play video games.... That's how you rot your brains out." She told him, and sat on the arm of the chair he was sitting on.

"As if it's not the same thing as you watching movies all night in the theatre." He argued back.

Maddison's eyes widened a bit. "Hm. Touché." She said with an approving head nod at his snarky response. Peter just lightly chuckled, causing Maddison to crack a little smile at his cuteness.

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