1. love note

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☆★☆★→ love note ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER ONE☆★☆★→ love note ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: none


It was the middle of a Friday afternoon in June, and it was the nicest day of the year. But instead of the young avengers spending there time outside enjoying the beautiful day and doing something memorable, they were cooped up in Bruce's lab doing school and learning about physics.

But luckily today was the beginning to summer break.

For the past two months the young avengers have done nothing but training, missions, and boring school in the lab.

Maddison was busy reading a book under the table, Peter was sitting beside her writing down notes about qauntum physics, Yelena had her head pressed against the metal lab desk as she took a nap, Kate was staring at a cloud outside, Pietro was staring at Kate sitting beside him, and Wanda was doodling in her notebook beside yelena, not listening to anything Bruce was saying.

Peter looked over at Maddison.

He noticed she wasn't looking at Bruce, but instead was looking face down at her lap. He moved back a little in his chair to see what she was looking at, then noticed she was reading a book.

He then grabbed his pencil back off the table, and started to write in his notebook again.

Once he was finished, he carefully ripped the page out, nicely folded it into a little square, lowered his hand under the table, and threw the note in Maddison's lap. She looked over at him confused, but he was playing it cool and pretending to pay attention to Bruce at the front so he didn't get caught.

Maddison picked up the piece of papper and unfolded it, and turned it to face right side up when she realized it was upside down.

"you look really pretty today. -peter"

She felt little butterfly's form in her stomach after reading his note. She felt her cheeks turn a little pink, and put her head down in embarrassment so peter wouldn't see her blushing.

Little did she know, he watched her whole reaction.

She placed the paper down on the metal table, and grabbed the pencil that was sitting in front of Peter before starting to write something in the space under his note.

A few seconds later, she did the same as Peter and folded it back up and tossed it onto his lap.

He picked it up and opened it to read.

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