2. the mall incident

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☆★☆★→ the mall incident ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER TWO☆★☆★→ the mall incident ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 1.9K
Warnings: mentions of violence


It was exactly 2:30 in the after noon.... and the last bell had just rung, which meant Kamala Khan could finally get out of her seat in the class room, and start her summer vacation.

She had practically spent the whole day staring at the clock, waiting impatiently for the day to end.

"Why do you look so happy?" Kamala heard a voice ask as she walked down the stairs at the front of the school. She turned her head to see her best friend Bruno walking straight in her direction.

"Uh.... Summer vacation? Why else." She answered in an obvious tone.

"No no..... it's definitely something else." He said, and continued to stare and try to study his friend.

She gave him a shoulder shrug. "It just gives me time to do super hero stuff." She added, and they both walked over to there bikes.

"Super hero stuff?" He then questioned, and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Super hero stuff." She responded before climbing onto her bike, and clipping on her helmet.

"But I'm always included in super hero stuff." He mentioned, slightly offended that she wasn't including him.

"Okay yes but avengers don't have side kicks." Kamala told him.

"Good thing your not an avenger." He reminded her. She just stared at him and watched him start biking away, then started to bike along right behind him.

"Not an avenger....... yet." She corrected, raising her voice so that he was able to hear her from behind him.

"I bet avengers still need help sometimes too." His comment causing Kamala to roll her eyes.

Probably because he was right.

"Carol Danvers doesn't need help." She responded. This time Bruno rolled his eyes.

"You know captain marvel isn't like..... invincible right?" He informed the girl.

"And how would you know?" She questioned him, trying to prove her point.

"I could ask you the same thing." He yelled back over his shoulder.

"Well..... I'll let you know when I become an avenger and meet her." Kamala told him. He just smiled and laughed at how dedicated his friend was.

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