3. the flying bird guy

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☆★☆★→ the flying bird guy ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER THREE☆★☆★→ the flying bird guy ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 1.7K
Warning: language


We had finally reached the compound again, and we practically sprinted up to the living quarters to go tell the avengers what just happened.

Peter ended up explaining everything to all of us on the way home. It turns out the vulture makes and sells weapons to criminals, which is probably the biggest case we've had since the whole ultron situation.

The six of us ran through the front door, and luckily most of the avengers were already in the main room.

"That was fast." Nat said as she looked down at her watch, probably realizing we weren't gone for that long.

"We have information!" I announced loudly so everyone in the room could hear me. Luckily I succeeded considering everyone's heads turned to look over.

I waited for a second but they all just continued to stand there and stare at me. "That was a hint to gather around." I added. I heard Sam let out an annoyed groan before removing himself from the couch, and walking over like everyone else.

"Did you bring me any presents?" Thor asked, already sitting in the kitchen stool.

"No thor." I answered, and I saw him frown a bit.

"What's up guys?" Steve asked as he also walked closer.

"Do none of you watch the news or anything?" I questioned, suprised that they didn't already know about the incident at the mall.

"Bucky does since he's an old man." Sam teased. Bucky just glared at him with his usual death stare.

"Alright get to the point, I'm already bored." My father commented, not being helpful at all.

"Okay so we went to the mall to go do young avenger things right? Then out of no where these guys just started shooting at eachother in the food court, but it turns out that they're actually pretty bad and sell dangerous high tech alien weapons to criminals." I quickly explained to the room of adults.

"So?" I heard Clint casually ask. Kates head then whipped over in her fathers direction.

"I'm sorry..... did you miss the part where she said dangerous alien weapons?" Kate said, rephrasing the most important words of my sentence.

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