7. exposed

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☆★☆★→ exposed ←☆★☆★

CHAPTER SEVEN☆★☆★→ exposed ←☆★☆★

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Word count: 2.9K
Warnings: language, mentions of weapons


Maddison had a great sleep.

Knowing the vulture was finally caught and definitely locked behind bars by now..... she slept like a baby.

Peter walked out of his room, and could hear talking in the distance coming from the kitchen, which he knew were the avengers. He walked across the hall to Maddison's room, and pressed his ear up against the wooden door.

He heard nothing, so gently and quietly twisted the door knob open, to reveal Maddison snuggled up in her bed, surrounded by a mountain of pillows, and covered by her big grey blanket.

Peter stood there for a second and smiled at the sight.

It wasn't until the girl shifted in her sleep when Peter realized he had been staring.

Shit— how long had he been staring?

He mentally slapped himself for being weird, and decided to just walk over and wake her up.

He sat beside her on the edge of her bed, before giving her a light poke. "Maddie." He whispered quietly, trying not to startle her.

She didn't budge, so Peter grabbed one of her shoulders and gave it a shake.

"Maddieeeee wake up." He said, extending the end of her name.

He heard a whine escape from the girl, indicating that she was now awake. She opened her heavy and tired eyes and looked up at Peter, who was sitting right beside her. She spread a tired smile on her face as she stretched her arms a little.

"Hi." She said sleepily, and Peter giggled a bit.

Even five seconds after she wakes up.... Peter still can't help but notice how perfect she is.

"The uh— the rest of the team went out to bring back breakfast." Peter explained.

"What? Didn't wanna join?" She asked him.

He nervously started playing with his hands. "I thought maybe we could just hangout for uh— for a bit."

She smiled a littler before shifting over to the other side of her bed, and patting the empty spot, inviting him to sit down.

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