And So It Begins...

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(Just a reminder for those reading this book: Yes, the Ender Dragon is canonically female. Just so you know that my writing may be a little shitty, sorry about that and I hope you enjoy reading!

P.S. There are some changes to some of the chapters.)

Y/N - Your name

'Speaking' - Thought

The sky is clear as a transparent glass, there were rarely any clouds above the land of the Overworld. There's this small, sandy village. Y/N has been living in that small village near a forest biome ever since he left a large city called EnderCon city for some personal issues. Surviving in the outside world with no mother, no father, no siblings - just himself, with a bunch of villagers he made friends with. All he ever does is defend this village from zombies, creepers, endermen and many other mobs that threatens to hurt the villagers, despite the iron golems defence on the village.

The village Y/N stayed in has been like a home to him. He forged the village from a regular village, to a well-protected village by huge walls, and a beacon in the middle. He chose the village because he doesn't wanna waste so much time as he has one goal to achieve: Defeating the Ender Dragon and collecting its egg as a trophy. And the last thing he wants to see after his victory was the first few messages from his god, Notch.

"I see the player you mean"


"I like this player. It played well. It did not give up."

If there were any other fighters like him around in his world, they will know how much Y/N had fought for to defeat the world's dominant beast. That way, he can inspire many to not be afraid when a dangerous beast like an ender dragon appeared.

Days and nights, rain and shine has passed. After years of preparing himself for the challenge, Y/N is now ready, suited and booted to take on the might ender dragon, with his netherite armour on his body and his netherite sword at hand. An armour with that particular material, Y/N is able to withstand whatever fatal damage he might experience, but that doesn't mean his armour would last forever as he's been wearing that armour for so long.

Y/N opens his door of his so-called 'Rented house' in the village, gathering his items; a bed, dozens of Eye of Ender, in case some of them break, potions and a bow and arrows that he needed. He approaches a stable, where his horse is leashed at. Y/N releases the horse and mounted on it. Just then, a villager named Thors, whom he had traded a lot with and befriended, came by and asked, "Where are you headed off to, warrior?"

Y/N took a moment before responding, "Somewhere, that doesn't belong in this world. I'll be back in a mean time, my friend. If I do not return, tell everyone..." he paused, unsure what to say to him if he dies at the claws of the ender dragon. "Tell everyone to keep fighting, don't be scared."

"I wish you the best of the best, Y/N. Good luck."

"I don't believe in luck, it all depends on me. Whether I'll be the victor or the vanquished, it is up to me." He said before trotting off to find the end portal.

Along the journey, Y/N tosses multiple eye of ender that could lead him to the portal, as some of them break. He consequently looked at the map, to make sure he doesn't lose track of his home. "C'mon, Sven!" He persuaded his horse, Sven, named after PewDiePie's dog (Minecraft, not real life), to keep up and follow the eye of enders he had tossed.

The sun had finally set and it was already dark. Mobs began crawling out of their hole and approached Y/N. His horse neighed in fear while Y/N drew his netherite sword and tried to back them up. However, he is surrounded by them. He has no choice but to trot away with his horse from them.

Suddenly, a creeper came up too close to him and blew up in his face. "GAH!!!" Y/N flew from his horse as his horse was mutilated by the explosion of the creeper, with its insides all out.

"Shit!" Y/N ran and ran, with his torch at the hand. He runs his way through the jungle biome to find a way to outrun the mobs. That's when he found a cave. He entered the cave and mined the walls before building up a stone wall to block the entrance, preventing the mobs from entering.

Now trapped, there is no way out for Y/N. "Shit... I'm stuck. He relit his torch and travelled further into the darkness of the cave. He has two remaining Eye of Enders left in his pocket. Therefore, he tossed one into the cave. It flies for a short distance before bobbing up and down and fall to the floor. Y/N was a little confused, his eye of ender normally travel in great distance, but this one doesn't.

"Huh?" Y/N tossed the Eye of Ender again, it flew at for short distance and stops at the same area it fall. "This must be it." He said to himself, before taking out his pickaxe and began mining his way down. Though he remembers that one rule he must never do: NEVER DIG STRAIGHT DOWN, OTHERWISE YOU'LL FALL INTO A LAVA. But he decided to ignore that rule and continued mining his way down, as he wanted to find that portal quick.

After a hundreds of inches down, Y/N suddenly fall into a stone-brick dungeon, with bats flying out of the darkness. He took out his torch to light up the area. Y/N searched every corner of the dungeon to find the portal, there was no sign of it. He starts to get hopeless throughout his search and began to convince himself that there is no portal. And worse, there is no way out of the dungeon. To his luck, he saw a glim of light at one end of the dungeon.

Y/N approaches the light, only for a skeleton to pop out of the dungeon's prison cell. The skeleton drew its bow at Y/N and fired its arrow, only for Y/N to deflect it and charged at the skeleton, swinging his sword at it and shatter its bones. "Stay out of my way," He growled.

He ventured towards the light and finally found twelve magical ender portal generators, shaped as a square with a dark mass shaping in the center, with blue and aqua particles moving across the mass inside. Y/N walked up the stairs where it leads to the portal. His heart was beating rapidly as this is his one and only chance to face the world's dangerous beast. Sure he has defeated a lot of dangerous beasts, such as a Wither, ghasts and also handled a raid in his village. But facing an ender dragon, this one is different.

He had heard there were many other fighters like him that faced the ender dragon. Despite fighting it with a group or solo, none of them made it out alive. Y/N took one deep breath to calm himself down and not panic. "Okay, Y/N. You got this. You got this, you got this." He almost wanted to cry. Despite all the preparation he made and training he done, he still does not feel confident enough to take on the dragon. He tried to maintain his confidence, but he was too scared. 'God, I'm so pathetic.' He thought to himself.

Eventually, Y/N give up. Not feeling confident enough, he decided to turn back and find a way home. Before he could even turn around, a mysterious figure kicked his back. Thus, making him fall into the portal.

Y/N looked behind as he fall. The last thing he saw were glowing white eyes. He does not have a clear vision of who it was, but those glowing white eyes were the only thing he saw before he entered the portal and landed himself on a floating obsidian platform.

'Who was that that just kicked me?' He thought to himself. He slowly got up and found himself in the end portal. He was initially confident to enter the End and fight the Ender Dragon, but after falling into the portal, his confidence went down the drain.

'I'm so dead.' He thought to himself as the roar of an Ender dragon echoed, with hundreds of endermen teleporting everywhere in the realm.

Be My Rider - Minecraft Ender Dragon x Male! Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now