The Dragon and the Human

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Y/N returns back to the village, but before he could, he asks Jean to not interact with the villagers. "Uhh, do you mind waiting out here first?"

"Why?" she asked.

"Look. Jean, people here... they're gonna see you as a threat. So, just do me a favour and wait here, 'kay? I'll get back to you shortly."

"Alright." she said as Y/N gets to his people. He wanders around his village and asked the villagers what caused the attack to happened, but all the answers he get was:

"I don't know."

"The attack happened out of the blue."

"I was farming when the attack happened." And many more. Jean waited for the human to get back to her. While waiting, she only stands there kicking the sand around, curious about the alien environment she's in. Just then, a child approached Jean, she gazed in awe at Jean's appearance, despite that she's a dangerous dimensional dragon. The child showed no sense of fear when looking at the Ender Dragon. Jean bends down and looked at the child.

"Hello there." She greeted the child.

"You're... a dragon."

Jean couldn't help but smile a little, as she now shows a much more gentle nature towards humans after Y/N healed her back in the End. "That I am, my child. That I am."

"Wow", the child didn't say anything but opened its mouth in awe.

"Care to tell me what exactly happened here before the attack?" Jean asked, in regards to the village prior to the attack.

Before the child could answer her, the mother rushed to her child and pulled him back. "Eivor! What are you doing talking to a monstrous creature like that?! Do you want to be eaten?!"

"But Momma, the big dragon saved our village!"

"STILL! It's dangerous! Keep your claws away from my child, you ferocious creature!" The mother pointed her finger at Jean, despite that she showed no sign of marking herself as a threat.

Jean sighed at the way the humans view her. "Humans..."

Meanwhile, Y/N continued asking questions with the villagers about how did the attack came to take place. "What actually happened here?" Y/N asked one of his villagers.

"I don't know. We was riding for a camp just north of here, then I seen shiny white eyes."

"Shiny white eyes?" He remembers that description when he was about to leave the dungeon, until he got kicked by a figure into the End portal.

"Yes, that's what I seen."

"Where'd you last seen it?" Y/N asked.

"Erghh, I can barely remember."

"Hmm." said Y/N. He goes to Thors, who is taking care of the injured. "Hey, Thors."


"Are you well?"

"At the moment, are you?"

"Not even a scratch. Thanks to this netherite armour."

"You keep admiring that armour, sooner or later it'll start to break off." Thors said jokingly.

"You ever heard of a person with shiny white eyes?" Y/N asked. Thors was shocked to hear Y/N's question, he soon turn around slowly and said, "WHAT?"

"I mean... I'm just sayin- WHOA."

Thors grabbed Y/N by the arm and brought him into his house, locking the doors so that no one will eavesdrop their conversation. Meanwhile, Jean, who grown impatient of Y/N taking so long, spreads her wings and searched for him. The anthropomorphic Ender Dragon looks around and could scent the smell of Y/N, who is inside a house. She lands beside it and peers through the window, watching both Y/N and Thors mouthing their conversation. "I wonder what they're conversing about." She wondered to herself.

Be My Rider - Minecraft Ender Dragon x Male! Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now