August 1992

84 3 1

You and Hermione are buying stuff for Hogwarts in the Diagon Alley with your parents, when you spot Harry and Hagrid. Right after that, they are joined by the Weasleys.

Hermione: Harry, Harry, over here!

Hermione runs to Harry.

Hermione: What happened to your glasses? Hello, Hagrid - Oh, it's wonderful to see you two again - Are you coming into Gringotts, Harry?

Harry: As soon as I've found the Weasleys

Hermione: By the way, this is my sister Y/n.

Y/n: Pleasure to meet you.

Arthur: Harry! We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far. Molly's frantic - she's coming now-

Ron: Where did you come out?

Hagrid: Knockturn Alley

Fred & George: Excellent.

Ron: We've never been allowed in.

Hagrid: I should ruddy well think not.

Molly: Oh, Harry - oh, my dear - you could have been anywhere -

Hagrid: Well, gotta be off.

You notice the young Weasley girl is quiet on a side, and you decide to introduce yourself.

Y/n: Hi.

Ginny (looking at Harry): ...

Y/n: You must be Ron's sister, aren't you?

Ginny (realising you were talking to her): Oh um yes- I'm Ginny, you?

Y/n: Y/n Granger. It's gonna be your first year at Hogwarts too?

Ginny: Yes-

Molly: Ginny, let's go buy you your robes.

Ginny: Coming, mom! Well, we'll surely meet again soon then.

Y/n: See you!

Time skip

You, Ron, and Hermione make your way into the library Flourish and Botts.

Ginny: Leave him alone, he didn't want all that!

Draco: Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend!

Ron: Oh, it's you. Bet you're surprised to see Harry here, eh?

Draco: Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley, I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for all those.

Ron tries to approach Draco but Harry and Hermione stops him.

Arthur: Ron! What are you doing? It's too crowded in here, let's go outside.

Lucius steps in.

Lucius: Well, well, well - Arthur Weasley.

Arthur: Lucius.

Lucius: Busy time at the Ministry, I hear. All those raids... I hope they're paying you overtime?

Y/n: Ginny, let's go outside. I feel tension in the air.

Ginny nods and you both go outside.

Y/n: Who was that?

Ginny: I think it's the Malfoys. Lucius is working at the Ministry of Magic, just like my dad, and I know they don't really like eachother. Ron said his son had been horrible to him, Harry, and Hermione the whole year.

Y/n: Don't worry, if this Malfoy boy ever talks trash on you, I'll be there to shut his mouth.

Ginny: Thanks Y/n... Although I think I can defend myself, I'd love your help!

Y/n: We'll be strong together!

Ginny nods, smiling, and you two end up in laughter. The others eventually come out, and give back to Ginny her books Lucius had taken.

After buying all your stuff, you say goodbye to eachother, promising to sit together in the Hogwarts Express.

Y/N Granger - Hermione's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now