February 1993

32 3 0

You, Ginny, and Luna, are waiting with other first-years in front of the class for the Professor to come, when suddenly a golden winged dwarf shows up, bringing Harry with him who didn't seem to enjoy it at all.

Dwarf: I've got a musical message to deliver to 'Arry Potter in person.

Harry: Not here!

Dwarf: Stay still!

Harry: Let me go!

As he tried to escape, his bag split in two, letting all of his stuff fall on the group, while he desperately tries to grab everything before the dwarf begins to sing. You and Ginny get closer, with the intention of helping, when Ginny stops. You follow her gaze and realize the diary is in Harry's stuff.

Draco: What's going on here?

Percy: What's all this commotion?

As Harry tries to make a run for it, the dwarf makes him fall and sits on his ankles.

Dwarf: Right. Here is your singing valentine:
His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he's really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord

You look at everyone laughing, feeling bad for Harry but worrying more about him being in possession of the diary.

Percy: Off you go, off you go, the bell rang five minutes ago, off to class, now. And you, Malfoy-

You see Malfoy picking up something, and realizes, horrified, that it is the diary.

Harry: Give that back.

Draco: Wonder what Potter's written in this?

You look at Ginny. She looks terrified, staring from the diary to Harry.

Percy: Hand it over, Malfoy.

Draco: When I've had a look.

Percy: As a school prefect-

Harry: Expelliamus!

Percy: Harry! No magic in the corridors. I'll have to report this, you know!

You and Ginny try to get to your classroom, and pass by Malfoy.

Draco: I don't think Potter liked your valentine much!

He says to Ginny as you look enraged at him and take Ginny into the classroom, her hands covering her face.

Time skip

Today, you couldn't find Ginny anywhere. You've searched, asked people, nobody saw her and you're really worried. You're heading to the library, thinking that if she's not there, she might be at the Quidditch pitch as there's a match today. You enter the library and find Hermione heading out.

Y/n: Hermione!

Hermione: Y/n? Oh my god, Y/n, I figured it out!

Y/n: Figured what out?

Penelope Waterclear, a Ravenclaw prefect, passes by right at this moment.

Hermione: Penelope! Do you have a mirror?

Penelope: Uhm, yeah? Why do you need it?

Hermione: I know what's petrifying the students! It's a Basilisk!

Y/n: What's that?

Hermione: If you see its eyes, it'll kill you. But if you see its eyes through a mirror, or through a camera, like, not directly, you're only petrified! That's how the others survived!

Penelope: We need to tell Professor Dumbledore!

She takes out her mirror.

Penelope: So how do we do that exactly?

Hermione: I think if we just look around corners with it before going anywhere, we would already have more chances of survival.

Penelope and you both nod, and you three begin carefully to make your way in the hallways, in search for a teacher. But, before you could find one, you see it in the mirror. You see the bright yellow eyes. And before any of you could look away, it's too late.

Y/N Granger - Hermione's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now